Sarah Woods Mystery Series (Volume 3)

Free Sarah Woods Mystery Series (Volume 3) by Jennifer L. Jennings

Book: Sarah Woods Mystery Series (Volume 3) by Jennifer L. Jennings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer L. Jennings
stop smoking. He didn't even try. That pissed me off, but we all knew my dad wouldn't change.”
    “ This is none of my business,” I said with hesitation. “But how'd you feel when your dad married Brook so soon after your mother's death?”
    He snorted. “Not surprised. I knew my dad couldn't be alone for very long. And let's be honest. She didn't want to work as a maid for the rest of her life.”
    “ Do you think they had an affair while your mom was still alive?”
    “ I'm sure they did.”
    “ Do you think your mom knew about it?”
    He shrugged. “She must have known. Women have a sense for that sort of thing, don't they?”
    I nodded. “I think so. Although some women would rather live in denial. It's a safe place to be.”
    “ I suppose.” Andrew sat down on the edge of his desk and fidgeted with a stack of papers. He seemed to be stalling, as if he wanted to ask a question, but didn't know how to begin. Finally, he looked up and said, “So I understand that your boyfriend used to date Jennifer Healy. Does it bother you?”
    I hadn't expected the conversation to take this turn, so I fumbled. “Um, well, no. It doesn't really bother me too much.”
    He smiled at the obvious lie. “Who could blame you if it did? They certainly seem to get along well. One might even think they appear close.”
    I laughed nervously. “Max is free to be friends with whomever he wants. I've found that if you try to control someone, they usually end up doing the exact thing you don't want them to do.” I paused to gauge his reaction. “But their friendship does seem to bother you.”
    He gave me a fake look of surprise. “Who, me?”
    “ You have a thing for Jennifer,” I said matter-of-factly. “So I get it.”
    “ Is it that obvious?”
    “ Pretty much,” I said. “You couldn't take your eyes off her the other night.”
    “ Shit. So much for subtlety, huh.”
    “ What is it about Jenn that is so appealing?” I asked, just to get a guy's perspective, and to figure out what Max had been attracted to.
    “ Jenn is not like other girls, but it's hard to explain. She's aloof. And there's something very sad and mysterious about her. I mean, I know I've only known her a short time, but I've never had a hard time getting a girl to go out with me. I'd have to say, she's the first.”
    I digested the information and had to agree. There was something mysterious about Jenn. “Maybe now that she no longer works for your dad, she'll be more open to having a date with you.”
    He brightened. “You think that's why she wouldn't go out with me?”
    I immediately regretted saying it. “I don't know. It was just a thought.” I looked at my watch and feigned a shocked expression. “Damn, it's almost noon. You probably have a busy day so I don't want to take up anymore of your time.”
    “ It's no bother,” he said. “Do you have plans for lunch? The restaurant downstairs makes a decent club sandwich. My treat.”
    An invitation to lunch? Most likely so he could continue bending my ear about Jennifer. No thanks. I wasn't in the mood. I thought about Jennifer more than I wanted to as it was. “Thanks anyway,” I said, “I'm supposed to meet up with someone.”
    “ Okay. Well, maybe you could put a good word in for me, next time you see Jennifer?”
    “ Sure, why not.”
    As I walked down the hall toward the exit, Vivian was still at her desk. She raised her head slightly to acknowledge me as I left. “Have a good afternoon, Ms. Woods.”
    * * *
    When I got to Carter's room, I relayed the details of my meeting with Andrew. “He says he hasn't talked to his sister in months. He has no idea what her financial situation is, or if she's come into money recently. Basically, he wasn't much help. Did you find anything with the photos you took from Angela's apartment?”
    Carter gave me a satisfied grin. “I think I found proof that Angela is not our blackmailer.”
    “ What? How?”
    “ Take a look at this.” He handed

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