
Free Flirtation by Samantha Hunter

Book: Flirtation by Samantha Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Hunter
Charlotte alone. She was a suspect, and he was a cop—but he was also a man. A very, very tempted man.
    “Do you want dessert?”
    She looked at him, and he saw the muted desire in her gaze, but it wasn’t for dessert. Oh, man.
    “Actually, I’m stuffed. This was wonderful, though I think the champagne went to my head a little.”
    “All part of my evil plan to get you to let me kiss you again.”
    The words popped out, but they were the truth. Obviously, his desires were winning out over his rational thinking.
    “I don’t think you needed the champagne for that, EJ.”
    He stood, pulling her up to stand closely in front of him, staring down into her liquid brown eyes. “Will you let me take you home?”
    She just nodded, promises and hopes shining in her eyes as she looked up at him, and he felt as close to being a cad as he ever had in his life.
    He paid the bill and escorted her from the restaurant. She was smiling so much by the time they hit the door he had to smile back.
    “What’s funny?”
    “Oh, nothing. I wasn’t smiling because I thought something was funny.”
    “Then what?”
    They walked out the massive door and EJ signaled the valet to get his car. He stood close to Charlotte, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “You can tell me. Did I walk away with my napkin stuck to my shoe or spinach in my teeth?”
    She laughed again, and held him with a look so potent he couldn’t break it.
    “No, it was just, well…this has been perfect. More than perfect. Dressing up, coming to a place like this, then walking out with my arm through yours, with everyone seeing us…it was…fun. Magical. I never experienced anything like that.”
    She’d never felt what it was like to dress up and go out, to have a man escort her from a restaurant? EJ would have responded, but he was stunned silent. She shook her head, looking down.
    “I know it’s stupid, but—”
    He tipped her face up, staring into her eyes, forgetting for the moment what the reality between them was.
    “No, not stupid. Not stupid at all. I’m…honored to be your date tonight, Charlotte.”
    “EJ, I…”
    They were interrupted when his car arrived, a shining black BMW that made Charlotte’s eyes widen into great pools. She didn’t bother hiding thatshe was impressed. The valet opened the door, and EJ helped her into the passenger’s seat. He leaned down to pull the seat belt over her, an excuse to get closer and brush her lips with a slight kiss.
    “You amaze me, Charlotte. I’ve loved talking with you and getting to know you. But will you forgive me, darlin’, for saying that all I can think about right now is getting you alone and out of that amazing dress?”

    C HARLOTTE SANK INTO THE supple, deep leather of the form-fitting seat as the BMW sped quickly down the highway, guided by EJ’s sure hand. The closeness of his body next to hers when he’d buckled her seat belt, the slight kiss he’d offered, and that whopper of a question he’d popped right before closing the door on her side had her mind in a whirl.
    The girl who didn’t make a habit of sleeping around was thinking she wouldn’t mind letting him get her out of her dress. She wondered if he’d feel the same way when he saw where she lived, when he had to park his fancy car in the parking lot next to the old motel across from her apartment complex.
    No, she reprimanded herself—EJ wasn’t like that. He might be wealthy, but he wasn’t a snob. He was spiritual, sensual and kind—he wouldn’t care about things like that.
    Would he? Some rich guys liked to visit the low-end side of town and experience things on the other side of the tracks. Was she being naive?
    She shook her head, trying to will away the doubtful thoughts. They emerged out of the well of insecurities she still dealt with when confronted with stressful situations, but she knew better, and closed her eyes, concentrating on the positive. She didn’t want to let anything ruin this evening. Looking

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