Marriage to a Mister (A Daughters of Regency #1)

Free Marriage to a Mister (A Daughters of Regency #1) by DeAnne Cherry

Book: Marriage to a Mister (A Daughters of Regency #1) by DeAnne Cherry Read Free Book Online
Authors: DeAnne Cherry
you really shouldn't go around announcing to every living person that you were invited. People will think you're boasting," said Phoebe Simmons, her cousin and companion. "After all, Prudence and I were also invited."
    "Yes, because you are my friends," Charity said, as though her reasoning was plain for everyone to see. "Obviously they have noted our friendship and have invited you so I will feel more comfortable. Things might finally be turning around for the better, Phoebe. Can't you be happy for me?"
    Phoebe looked at her skeptically but Charity was sure she had been invited to attend the Blackburn house party because they intended to match her with their eldest son, Viscount Ravenbrook.
    She told her cousin as much that morning and, once prodded, Phoebe also agreed it was odd for them to receive invitations since they really had nothing to do with the family. Phoebe thought she was setting herself up for a disappointment, but Phoebe didn't know what she knew.
    The Blackburn heir fancied her, and she intended to use that to her advantage.
    "Then how do you explain Prudence?" Phoebe tried to reason, again. "They wouldn't invite her because she's your friend. You hardly even speak to her unless I'm with you."
    "Whoever cares, Phoebe, but I know I'm right. I've seen the way he looks at me from across the room. Look! He's doing so right now." She turned and gave an easy but calculated smile to the viscount, who looked back unabashedly, not even shocked at being caught staring at her so openly.  
    Phoebe turned her gaze and started, quickly looking back to Charity. "Has he been staring at you all evening?"
    Charity smiled. "More like all season."
    Phoebe gasped. "Has he spoken to you? Surely not."
    "How could he? We've never been introduced," said Charity.  
    He had always watched her from afar, and why wouldn't he stare? She knew she was beautiful. With her golden hair and light blue eyes, her cornflower blue dress cut just so to accentuate her figure. Phoebe's own blonde hair was not quite so golden, and her blue eyes, not quite so blue.  
    Even so she knew Phoebe had something she didn't, and that was happiness and love. It wasn't that she didn't have love of her own. She did. Her father loved her, she knew, but everyone had always gravitated towards Phoebe. Her life had been free of strife and loss and it showed on her glowing friendly face. Charity loved her cousin for her interference in her own life, but knew she must take every opportunity presented to her, especially once such as this.
    "Perhaps you're right about the house party, still, I don't want you to get your hopes up only to be hurt," said Phoebe. "There could be many other reasons for the invitation."
    Charity opened her mouth to answer, only to be interrupted by Prudence Wilson sitting herself down beside the pair, her caramel colored curls bouncing as she tried to catch her breath. "You will never guess what I saw a moment ago."
    Phoebe turned to Prudence and smiled, while Charity tried to appear uninterested but leaned towards her to hear just the same. "What is it? Go on, tell us. I can see you'll absolutely burst if you don't."  
    "Well, I was waiting to greet the hostess — oh, was the line ever long — and I saw Julia standing with her sister and Lady Blackburn. They were right behind me, you see, and do you know what Julia told me?" Prudence asked excitedly, her brown eyes sparkling and her cheeks flushed from the crush of the room.
    "Get on with it already," Charity said testily.
    Prudence gave her a look before continuing. "She said that she and her sister arrived here in Lady Blackburn's carriage, that they all came together!"
    Phoebe patted Prudence on the arm as Charity deflated at such dull news. "That's not very extraordinary," Phoebe said kindly.  
    Prudence shook her head. "Yes, but that's not all. I heard Lady Blackburn tell Fleur that the announcement would be made before supper. The announcement . Don't you see, I've figured out the

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