The 5-Year Plan (Friends to Lovers Romance Book 1)

Free The 5-Year Plan (Friends to Lovers Romance Book 1) by Cara Nelson

Book: The 5-Year Plan (Friends to Lovers Romance Book 1) by Cara Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Nelson
to do? This is my child. I can’t just abandon it.”
    She nodded, as if she understood exactly what he meant. He could see the lines of distress pulling at the corners of her eyes and at her mouth. He could see it in the stiff way she sat. This news had hit her just as hard. With one announcement, Cynthia had created havoc.
    Victoria put a hand over his. “You need to take some time to think about it—take it in.”
    Leaning back, he closed his eyes. He kept hold of her hand. “I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. My parents’ divorce wrung me dry. I…well, you know some of it, but my mom…after dad discovered she’d been having an affair with his boss, he was devastated. I chose to stay with him—so did Tom, but he was just a kid. So little. He didn’t really know what was going on, just that he wanted to be with me and Dad. And I missed my mom every day. It wasn’t the same. I vowed if I ever had a kid, he or she would grow up in a stable, loving family. I’d be the best father I could. I might fall short in the long run, but I’d sure as hell try.”
    Her fingers tightened around his. “I knew the divorce was hard on you, but I never realized it left such a lasting impression.”
    A dry laugh escaped. “You want to talk gaping wound? Dad tried really hard to fill the gap, but…he had his own issues.”
    He closed his eyes, trying to shut out everything. The experience of seeing his father dive into bitterness and loneliness had put him off the idea of marriage and commitment. Opening his eyes again, he glanced at Tori. “Dad once told me that women were best if they didn’t have a ring on their finger. Sexist? I know. But those words stuck with me. I couldn’t shake them off, and now…makes me wonder if he’s up in heaven laughing at me.”
    “Is there anything I can do?”
    Trent couldn’t help but smile at her offer. It was so like her to forget they were in the middle of trying to help her get her life back on track. Her generosity amazed and touched him.
    “Tori, I don’t know what to do.”
    She squeezed his hand and let go. Leaning forward, she propped her elbows on her thighs. “You have to put aside all your…other issues and focus on this for now. The baby will need you. So will Cynthia.”
    He chewed on his bottom lip. It was hard to point at the elephant in the room, but someone had to do it. “What about us? What about you?”
    She gulped and looked down at her hands. “There is no us. Not that way. Not now. Maybe not ever. But we’ll always be there for each other. Let’s just…forget about that other thing.”
    “I can’t. But…yeah, I’ve got to put the kid first. I do need some time to…figure things out.”
    He turned away. Confusion, anger and shock tumbled through him. Becoming a father hadn’t been something he’d planned on for at least another few years. Now that he was about to be a dad, that had to matter. There was no denying that.
    Victoria stood. “I should go.”
    “We need to work on the login tracking.” He waved a hand at the tablet lying on the kitchen counter. “Ignoring that would be foolish. If we don’t do anything about it, you’re going to be stuck with the label of thief.”
    She shook her head. “Why don’t you take an evening off? I’ll take your tablet home and study the times. If anything strikes me as odd, I’ll mark it and we can talk about it tomorrow.”
    His brain wasn’t working as fast as he would have liked. Trent forced himself to focus. Whatever happened in his personal life, he didn’t intend to leave Victoria in the lurch. “We need to work out how we’re going to eliminate suspects.”
    “I came up with some ideas. I’m going to visit Sue and see if I can tell if she’s been making some unexpected money. It’s sleazy—but whoever did this has to be working for cash. And I’d rather know right away if she’s it the clear.”
    “You won’t be able to tell that with one visit. She might be saving any

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