The Man Every Woman Wants

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Book: The Man Every Woman Wants by Miranda Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda Lee
turned into the driveway.
    â€˜That’s because you’re not looking in the right place. That’s it on top of that hill over there.’
    His eyes followed the direction of her finger to what was a large two-storey homestead sitting majestically on the crest of a very distant hill. It was rectangular and colonial in style, with a high-pitched roof, and verandahs all the way around, top and bottom. Several chimneys more evidence of real fireplaces, no doubt with elegant hearths to go with the elegant architecture of the building.
    â€˜I thought you said your family wasn’t seriously rich,’ came his rueful remark.
    â€˜They’re not,’ Laura replied.
    â€˜Possibly you and I differ on what ‘seriously rich’ is.’
    Unless this property was mortgaged to the hilt, then the owner, in Ryan’s opinion, was seriously rich. The fences around the paddocks were in excellent condition and the cattle grazing on the pastures were fat and healthy looking. Despite his knowledge of country living being confined to watching the occasional programme on TV, Ryan could already see he was looking at money.
    â€˜I presume all the land leading up to the house belongs to your grandmother?’ he asked as they crunched over the gravelly surface.
    â€˜No. The whole property actually belongs to Uncle Bill. My grandfather—dear, sweet man that he was—left everything to his son rather than his wife.’
    Ryan frowned. ‘Why would he do that?’
    When he glanced over at her, he saw Laura’s face crinkle up in disgust.
    â€˜Because he was of the old school,’ she said sourly. ‘The one which believes that men should rule the world and own all the land.’
    Mmm. Perhaps Laura’s man-hating ways started long before that client she slept with. Still, Ryan could understand that a girl of Laura’s intelligence would find it hard to accept her grandfather’s chauvinistic—and decidedly unloving—ways.
    â€˜Was your grandmother very hurt at the time?’ he asked.
    â€˜She was disappointed,’ Laura said. ‘But she didn’t make a fuss, though she should have. I certainly did when Uncle Bill gave her a pitiful allowance out of all the money he’d inherited.’
    â€˜What did you do?’
    â€˜Threatened the bastard that I’d persuade Gran to contest the will if he didn’t give her a decent amount each year. Which he did do, grudgingly.’
    â€˜I’ll bet you weren’t too popular for a while.’
    â€˜I’ve never been popular with the men on this side of my family,’ she replied.
    Ryan laughed. ‘I wonder why?’
    â€˜Why should I suck up to the opposite sex?’ she asserted with her usual stroppiness. ‘I’m as good as they are.’
    â€˜Yes, well, just remember that for the next couple of days you’re playing the part of a woman in love.’
    The expression on her face when he said this was worth all the money in China.
    â€˜I knew this was a terrible idea,’ she muttered. ‘I don’t know what possessed me to do it.’
    â€˜Pride possessed you.’
    â€˜Yes, you’re right,’ she said with a deeply weary sigh. ‘Good old pride—one of the seven deadly sins.’
    She looked so dispirited all of a sudden that Ryan felt genuinely sorry for her.
    â€˜Not just pride, Laura,’ he said gently. ‘Kindness too. Let’s not forget that. We’re here to make your gran happy. What does it matter if you’re forced out of your comfort zone for a couple of days? It’s not like it will last for ever. Let me do most of the talking. You just smile and agree to everything I say. Which I know will be extremely difficult for you,’ he added before she could say a single word. ‘But it’s all in a good cause.’
    She was quiet for a long moment, but then she nodded. ‘I’ll do my

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