Smut Til You Drop
their cocks struggling to get released and join in the
    We laughed, gave them the come here wave
with our index fingers and opened up the door to our suite. As soon
as the door opened, John pushed Megan against the wall and began
kissing her hard. Mark again stood watching unsure what to do. So,
I pushed him against the wall and kissed him just as violently.
Even if he was shy, his cock was not. It was pushing into my mid
section like a baseball bat. I giggled and ran my hand down to his
groin to keep it from bruising me as much as to let him know that
tonight was about fucking. 
    He gasped when my hand found his crotch
through the fabric and then again when I unbuttoned his pants,
unzipped them and slipped my hand around his shaft. Mark seemed to
finally get the picture or the tequila shots had taken hold. Either
way, he began to kiss me back and moved me over to the couch. He
sat down and I knelt on the floor in front of him. Normally, I’m
not a big fan of cock sucking but when you have a guy who sucks in
his breath so loud that it makes you smirk and you know that
anything you do, he’ll be damn grateful for, the more I could
control him the more I got off. So, I bent down and licked the tip
of his dick, popped just the top in my mouth, and then I went all
the way down his shaft as quickly as I could. He drew in his breath
so loud I thought the neighbors could hear us. I giggled a little
to myself which only made him get louder. I giggled again
remembering that with his cock in my throat, giggling must do all
kinds of things to him. I began to play with my breasts and push
them up and around his balls. After all, I wanted to get his cock
in me soon and wasn’t planning on being on my knees for very
      Meanwhile, Megan and
John were already fucking up against the far wall. I could hear her
getting off and it made me swallow Mark’s cock even more. I could
see him watching them, then me, then them. Careful buddy, there is
no way you are going to finish without me even getting started! I
backed off and began to stroke his cock slowly. Then, he got up off
the couch, found the box of condoms, did his thing and came back to
his seat. I straddled his lap. I began to rub my pussy and my ass
up and down and around his cock without putting it in. He was
watching my breasts. Megan began to get very loud. We were both
breathing heavy and hearing her get ready to cum was about to send
us both over the edge. I pushed my g-string to the side and slipped
him in me.
    This time we both gasped. I began to ride
him, harder and harder as Meagan  screamed. Yes! Fuck! Yes!
I was the one cussing and that only made Meagan’s orgasm last even
longer! I moved my hips so that Mark was as far in me as he would
go and I began to shudder. I sat there for a full minute with him
doing nothing but watching me cum all over his cock. After my pussy
began to slow it’s pulsing down, he lifted me off of him, placed me
on the couch next to him and began to lick my cunt. HOLY SHIT! That
was something I had never experienced before. With just the right
amount of orgasm left in me and I began to shudder again. This
time, he stuck his fingers in me and began to finger fuck me as he
nibbled and sucked on my clit. HOLY FUCK! Megan was clearly
re-aroused by this as she came over and began to suck and grab my
tits. SHIT! John watching the show was clearly not just going to
sit this one out. He moved Megan’s ass so he could fuck her from
behind as she continued to help get me off again. Watching him
pound into her and feeling Mark’s fingers pound into me sent me
shuddering yet again. Only this time, he stuck his fingers as far
in as they would go and curled them so as to try to reach my clit
from within while sucking my clit. OH FUCK! I began bucking against
his hand in my cunt and Megan’s mouth on my tits and felt myself
cum yet again.
    This went on for hours. Every time Megan

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