
Free Devoted by Alycia Taylor

Book: Devoted by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
my pulsating cock. I was desperate for it not to end
and desperate and aching for release at the same time.
    “Look at me, Emmi ,” I said in a thick voice.
She pointed her beautiful blue eyes back at mine and I
began thrusting again, slowly, allowing both of us to savor every inch as we
remained locked in an intense gaze.  
    I felt her muscles tightening around me again and she began to squirm and pant. She
bit down on her lip and let out a sexy growl. That was it for me . I grabbed her legs and lifted
them into the air, pressing them back toward her body and I began a punishing
rhythm. I was slamming in and out of her relentlessly
as she grabbed on to her thighs to hold her legs back for me. It made her even
tighter and her whole body began to tremble as she cried out, “I love you!”
    I felt my cock pulse and I finally found my euphoric release. Our bodies were
both trembling as I lowered her legs and then lowered
my body down next to hers. I pulled her in close and
we kissed tenderly.
    “I love you. Will you
be mine forever?”
    Emmi looked at the ring on her finger and smiled. “I can’t wait,” she said.

    I finally understood what all the romance novels and movies mean when they talk
about “basking in the afterglow.” I was lying with Braxton, all wrapped up in each other and the only word for how I was feeling was
euphoric. I was basking in it like it was a big light
shining on me from overhead. My head was lying against
his chest and it was rising up and down with each slow breath he took. He had
fallen asleep and I felt content to lay with him
holding me while he dreamed. I looked through the slit
in the curtains at the big, silver moon. I thought it
was completely appropriate for the way I was feeling.
    I thought back over the events. I needed a place to
live. I had taken too long to start looking for one
because I had been teaching at the summer camp and by that time, the dorms were
full and there just seemed to be nothing available. I was certain it would go the same way as it had in the past, but on my last trip
to buy my books and things before school started, I picked up one of the
university papers. When I got home and opened it,
Braxton’s ad was the first one I saw. I ’m not even
sure if I ever believed in fate, but that had to be what that was. If I had applied earlier and gotten into one of the dorms, who
knows if we would have even met before he graduated. We conducted all of our
business by email and that was good too. Had I met him
before hand and realized how arrogant he was, I would have ran off and found
another place. I laughed at myself again when I
thought about how much time I wasted hiding out from him in my room instead of
just talking to him. I guess it was all good since it
worked out the way it did, but now that we were engaged and going to be
married, I was going to have to get better at it.
    I was so intimidated by him at first. He was freaking gorgeous and I just thought he must be a narcissistic piece of…well, I
didn’t think he would turn out to be very nice. I especially didn’t think so after our first meeting. He had been in the process
of getting into some girl’s pants and he was angry that I interrupted him. I looked at him and just a few short
months later it was hard for me to imagine him that way even though I was there
and saw it for myself.
    I looked now and
although I saw my gorgeous hunk of a fiancé, I also saw that sweet nerdy kid that he must have been in high school. I guessed it was something about being in love, but I ached
in my chest for the kid who thought he had to completely remake himself to get
anyone to even notice him.
    I didn’t want to intrude on his thoughts, but I was kind of curious what had
happened between him and his dad at the house. It was nice to see them hug and I think Braxton even had tears in his eyes. I hoped for Braxton’s sake that his father was ready to
clean up his act and be a real dad

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