Trouble In Dixie
she nodded her head in that direction, when Tommy
glanced her way.
    "Dixie, you ready for bed, sugar?" he asked
with a grin. "You're not gonna look real pretty wearing that
    She yawned then rubbed her eyes, then
admitted, "Yeah, I'm sleepy, daddy."
    Karlie got up and grabbed Dixie's plate and
then her own, and took them too the sink to scrape them the
disposal. She cast a glance at Katie and asked, "I guess we'll be
going, because I'm pretty tired too...Katie you coming to the
    Katie glanced at Tommy out of the corner of
her eye and saw him stiffen, then replied nonchalantly, "I'm not
sure yet, I'll call you in a little while. I might sleep in the
camper, or maybe here if Cassie and Luke have room."
    "Okay then, just let me know," Karlie told
her then walked up beside Dixie and asked, "You ready, for our
slumber party squirt?"
    Dixie's eyes widened a little with
excitement, then drooped again, "I'm probably too tired tonight,
Karlie...maybe tomorrow night?" she asked hopefully.
    "You got it...let's get out of here, Gabe
might be home by now," she said then walked over and gave Katie a
kiss on her cheek, "Night, sis...let me know if you need a place to
crash...our couch is short, but decently comfortable."
    "She can stay here, we have room," Cassie
told her, then gently took a sleeping Bella from Luke's arms.
    "Ya'll work it out then, I'm too tired to
think. Let's go, Dix..." Karlie said then helped the sleepy little
girl to her feet. "Night, and thanks for supper."
    "You're welcome...ya'll be careful going
home," Luke told her and then walked them to the door.
    "Night, everyone..." Cassie said then told
them, "Bella and I are going upstairs. Just grab a room if you
want, Katie. The first one on the right is empty."
    "Thanks, Cassie," she said knowing full well
she wasn't going to be sleeping there tonight. "I'm going to clean
the kitchen up, you go ahead."
    "You don't have to do that, I'll do it in
the morning..." she said with a yawn.
    "Go! I'm handling it," Katie told her, then
shooed her toward the stairs.
    Soon, it was only her and Tommy standing in
the kitchen and he looked at her nervously. "You sure about this,
sugar?" he asked sounding unsure himself.
    Katie pinned him with her eyes and asked
angrily, "You backing out on me Tommy Tucker?"
    He held up his hands and his face flushed,
"No way...I'm just giving you a chance to change your mind."
    "If I changed my mind, you'd know it," she
said sassily then added, "Get the hell out of here, and I'll be
there shortly."
    He chuckled then told her, "Yes ma'am...I'll
see you in a little bit," then kissed her cheek and hugged her for
a minute, before saying with a groan, "Damn, you feel good..."
    "We're not gonna make it out of this
kitchen, if you don't get away from me...that breakfast bar is
looking awfully good," she murmured in a low voice.
    Instantly, he backed away from her and
turned on his heel, then said over his shoulder, "You better
hurry...but be careful!"
    "Hurry, but be careful," Katie mumbled with
a chuckle, then tidied up the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher.
She wiped down all the counters then headed outside to her truck.
After unhooking the tailgate, slid the ramp down to unload her
bike. That turned out to be an ordeal trying to do it alone, but
somehow she managed.
    Unzipping her suitcase, anticipation filled
her as she pulled out some fresh underwear and clothes for
tomorrow. For tonight, she pulled out a new lingerie set she'd
bought in Dallas, a royal blue and black panty and bra set, and
some light colored blue jean shorts and a bright colored shirt, so
she'd be visible riding the bike.
    The bright safety yellow wind breaker she'd
bought should help too. She snuck back into the house and found the
half bath on the main level, then changed her clothes, before
heading back outside. After stashing her clothing change in her
backpack, she

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