
Free Unafraid by Michael Griffo

Book: Unafraid by Michael Griffo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Griffo
glimpse of himself in the mirror, Ronan collapsed onto his bed into fits of laughter. Once again, Michael had helped diffuse a situation that threatened to get out of hand. Once again he showed Ronan that there were more important things in life to worry about than David and his next actions. Things like grabbing Michael’s hand and throwing him on their bed so they could laugh and cuddle and kiss. “Sorry, love,” Ronan murmured. “I can get carried away sometimes.”
    Ronan’s excitement didn’t bother Michael at all; he welcomed his passion almost as much as he welcomed every opportunity to get lost in his kisses and his embrace. However, at the moment they had other things to do. Squirming out from under Ronan’s body, Michael jumped to the side of the bed. “No can do, Ro,” Michael announced. “Per the headmaster’s decree I have more important things to do, like convince you to move my car.”
    Extending his hand to Michael, Ronan had other plans. “I have a better idea,” he said. “Let’s feed.”
    They found the body less than a minute later on the outskirts of Eden, at the bottom of a hill that was steep, but not particularly tall. Maybe thirty years old, the man was thin and dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, his knapsack still on his back and his hand still clutching a map of the area. Although Ronan and Michael both had the ability to detect when death was imminent, they didn’t need those skills to know the man was seconds from dying; they simply had to look at the way his body was distorted. His legs were bent at peculiar angles, and his neck was twisted severely to one side. It was an unusual state for a body to be in, but one that was enormously appetizing.
    Michael watched as Ronan’s face elongated, his eyes became more like diamonds instead of circles, his sharp, white fangs appeared and rested on his plump, red lips. Michael thought Ronan had never looked more beautiful.
    The man barely moved as Ronan’s fangs plunged into the largest vein that protruded from his neck and Ronan sucked out the blood that would soon be wasted if it remained in its original host. The blood was refreshingly sweet; the man had obviously been healthy, and his irreversible condition the result of an unfortunate accident. Unfortunate for him, but bounty for Ronan and Michael.
    As he lifted his head, drops of blood spilled down the corners of Ronan’s mouth. Unable to control his hunger at the sight, Michael leaned forward and licked the blood from Ronan’s chin until there wasn’t a trace left. Unfulfilled and growing delirious, Michael punctured two more holes into the man’s neck with his fangs and held his body close to him as he felt the man’s blood gush over his tongue. A rush of energy entered his body and spread out through his limbs, caressing his organs, making him feel superhuman. Consumed with desire and vitality, Michael spontaneously kissed Ronan deeply on his bloodied lips, their fangs pressing against each other roughly. He was wild-eyed, and Michael’s voice was a harsh whisper when he spoke. “Let’s offer ourselves to The Well.”
    Naked, they dove into the ocean and plunged deep into the sea’s belly until they reached an area that could never be seen by a mortal’s eyes—the underwater cave that housed The Well of Atlantis. When they entered the enclave, a low hum emitted from the rock walls as if to welcome the boys. The sound was familiar and yet thicker than usual, more resonant, and it seemed to pierce through their bodies even as it floated gently over their heads. The Well was greeting them as it always did, but this time its greeting was more intense.
    Kneeling before the circular stone, Michael and Ronan each cut their palms with their fangs and lifted their hands above the center of The Well so their blood could spill into the silvery water below. Even though they had

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