BREAKTHROUGH (Love's Not Easy Series Book 2)

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Book: BREAKTHROUGH (Love's Not Easy Series Book 2) by Nicole Rickman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Rickman
mom’s diary until Claire woke.  Then, they ordered breakfast and Claire asked her about LJ and Aiden.  Aimee told her about her date with LJ.  She told her she talked to Aiden, but she did not know the status of his relationship with Ava.
    Claire listened to Aimee tell about her summer vacation talks with both boys before she spoke.  “Aimee, I want to share some Bible verses with you.  I want you to remember these verses whenever you are with any gentlemen who may have a romantic interest in you.
    The first is Proverbs:  4: 23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life .  All types of sin begin in the heart.  For that reason alone, Aimee, be careful when it comes to dating.  The wrong guy may take advantage of a weak moment.”
    Aimee studied on that verse for a moment.  “I never really thought about that.”
    “The next is 1 Corinthians:  15: 33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. I think you know this, but a lot of guys will say the things they think you want to hear.  Be careful and listen to what God wants you to do.”
    Aimee grinned at Claire.  “You are so sweet to worry about me.  I do know that guys will say or do anything to get a girl to do what they want.  I just never put a verse with it before.”
    “The last verse I am going to share with you, is one that pertains to everything you do.  Dating is definitely on the top of the list for this verse.” Luke 17: 1 "One day Jesus said to his disciples, There will always be temptations to sin, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting!"   Temptation is everywhere, but I feel, for a young Christian like yourself, that dating is more complex.  You know in your mind the right things.  But, the devil will tempt you twice as hard.  Don’t let your emotions override your faith.”
    “Dating as a Christian is so hard.  I am constantly afraid that I am going to do something that the guy will misunderstand.  I feel like I always have my guard up when I am out on a date.”
    “Aimee, when you find that guy that is right for you, you shouldn’t have to put a guard up because he should honor you and the word of God.”
    “You’re right. It is finding that guy that is the hard part.”
    “I agree, it is hard trying to find a good man.  It was just as hard when I was young as well.  But, if you keep your faith that God has someone out there for you, and pray for that person when the time is right, God will bring him to you.  At that moment, you will know for certain that waiting for him was the right thing to do.”
    “Thanks, Claire.  I love talking to you.”
    “Thank you sweetie.  Let me give you my cell phone number.  I never know when I am going to travel, so this is the easiest way to get in touch with me.”
    “That sounds great and I will give you mine. If you ever need to talk, I am here for you.”
    The attendant announced that they would be shortly landing.  One last stop before Aimee was back home in Neahovia.

Chapter Seven
    Lexi was waiting for Aimee at the ANA airport.  Aimee was so tired, the two hour nap she took on the plane was not enough in a twenty-four hour time span.  She wanted to go to the hotel, check in, and sleep.  At least for a few hours.
    Lexi drove her to the hotel, they checked in, and then Lexi said she would go hang out somewhere and let Aimee take a nap.  Aimee was thrilled with that idea.  So, she took a hot shower, changed into her sleepwear, and off to dreamland she went.
    When she awoke four hours later, she was still tired but very hungry.  She hadn’t eaten since early that morning on the plane. She called Lexi and her and Piper picked Aimee up and they went to Frank’s for dinner.
    The restaurant was not very busy.  The girls took a booth.  As soon as Frank noticed the girls, he came over to their table.  He hugged each of them.  “I am so glad

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