Porn Star
like a dried up prune. “Are you
auditioning anymore or do they just call you up?” she asked with a
fake smile.
    “Oh, a little of both, I just auditioned for
a part in Slutty Whores twenty five as the slave girl.”
    “When did you do that?”
    “Yesterday,” Cassidy replied.
    “What the fuck? I called about that and they
said they filled that spot a week ago. Those lying mother
    “I don’t know anything about that, but I did
get the impression that if I don’t get that spot they will use me
    “How do you know?”
    “The producer told me after he fucked me in
his office.”
    “Oh I get it,” Acid said with a laugh. “You
have to fuck the producers to get jobs, which must really
    “No, not really, he paid me five hundred
    “Five hundred dollars? To fuck you? How do
you rate?” Acid snapped back in pure jealousy and hate.
    “That’s what I asked for and he paid me in
cash, up front.”
    “Now I’m fucking pissed!”
    Cassidy paused for a long moment and waited
for Acid to calm down. “What are you doing these days?” she asked
trying to change the subject.
    “I work at the Sub shop in this fucking mall.
I haven’t had a porn job since fat girls one twenty two.”
    “Why? What happened?”
    “What do you mean what happened?”
    “Why can’t you get anymore porn jobs? Did you
piss someone off?”
    “I have no fucking idea, I show up on time, I
take the banana like they said, and now I can’t get a call back to
save my life.”
    “So you were in one DVD?”
    “No, they cut my part out,” Acid said kicking
her shopping cart.”
    “But they still paid you right?”
    “Yeah, all sixty bucks.”
    “Well, I wasn’t there so I don’t know what to
tell you. You must have pissed someone off or did something wrong.
Either way it looks like you’ve been blacklisted. Is there
something you’re not telling me?”
    Acid turned away like she didn’t want to talk
anymore. At least what Cassidy had asked struck a nerve. “Yes,” she
replied. “They wanted me to dress like a pig and fuck ten guys at a
    “For a DVD?” Cassidy asked.
    “Yes, it was going to be called Pig Party
Gang Bang.”
    “So what happened?”
    “I was pretty offended, but I needed the
money so I showed up to the shoot. The guys they wanted me to fuck
looked like a bunch of heroin addicts they found under some bridge.
They all had their papers, but they stunk like shit and looked like
    “So you refused?”
    “Not at first, I put on the stupid costume,
ran around on all fours snorting like a pig while they took turns
dropping loads in my backside. When it got to the fourth guy I had
to stop. He was fucking disgusting. His dick was weird looking, I
wasn’t even sure he was a dude.”
    “What did the producer say?”
    “The producer wasn’t there, it was the
fucking director who told me to keep fucking or get the hell off
his set. He said if I didn’t do what he said, I’d never work in
porn again.”
    “So what did you do?”
    “I left, and I’ve never worked in porn
    “Do you remember his name? The director?”
    “No, but it was some Hispanic name. I think
he was from Guatemala. Had a real fucked up accent?”
    “Was he a tall skinny guy with a lot of
wrinkles and squinty eyes?”
    ‘Yeah, and he always wore a ball cap and
never washed his greasy hair.”
    “He’s dead,” Cassidy stated flat.
    “Good, he was a prick, what happened to
    “Found in a gutter with a bullet in his
    “That’s life I suppose, I call it Karma.”
    Again a long awkward pause as Cassidy tried
to think of a way to ditch Acid and
    leave. “Well, I got to get going,” she said
with a nervous tick.
    “What? You got a shoot to go to?”
    “No, I just need to get home and clean my
house, it’s a mess.”
    “Are you married?” Acid asked.
    “Dating anyone?”
    “Then how can you afford a house? I mean, do
you do anything

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