Porn Star
else besides porn?”
    “No, that’s it, I made over a hundred
thousand last year,” Cassidy said trying not to
    look like she was bragging.
    “Holy fuck,” Acid snapped back. “I think I
made fourteen thousand, what the fuck is
    wrong with me?”
    Cassidy started to pull her cart back and
spin it around so she could leave. “I don’t
    know, maybe you should try harder,” she said
as she moved the cart away.
    “Try harder?” Acid barked back pissed. “What
does that mean?”
    “I don’t want to get into a huge discussion
Acid, ok?” Cassidy said with a fake smile.
    Acid left her cart and walked over to Cassidy
grabbing onto hers keeping her from leaving. “Tell me what you
    Cassidy took a deep breath and looked Acid in
the eyes, “Maybe you should drop a few pounds.”
    “What the fuck?” Acid replied cocking her
neck like a rooster. “I have a body to kill for, I got titties that
will rock any man’s world and the hips and ass to go with
    “You are a niche market, only a few guys go
for the fat girls, most of them want girls like me.”
    “Like you? You skinny ass bitch. You look
like a boy. You have no curves. If it weren’t for your fake ass
boobs I’d swear you were my brother in a wig.”
    “Say what you want Acid, but I don’t have a
problem getting work. And I get paid very well for what I do.”
    “That’s because you take it in the ass.
Everyone knows if you take it in the ass anyone will hire you.”
    “I’ve never taken it in the ass, sorry,”
Cassidy replied. “Now can you let go of my cart?”
    “I’ll let go of your cart when I want to let
go of your cart you little snippy bitch. I came with you to porn
school, I helped you out when things weren’t so good, and now you
tell me you don’t need me anymore?”
    “Acid, we haven’t spoken in years. Things
have changed and I’ve moved on.”
    “Yeah, I see that.”
    “Maybe you could see a trainer, or go on a
diet. You’re still young enough to get work.”
    “If I lose weight I’ll have extra skin and
stretch marks, nobody wants to see that, they want to see me, all
of me. I might be fat, but I’m sexy fat.”
    “Then why didn’t you get the job you
auditioned for?”
    Like fire from a cannon, Acid slapped Cassidy
across the face and grabbed her hair with both hands pulling the
extensions out and grasping for more. “You fucking bitch! I hate
you! I always hated you!” she yelled as she continued to smack
Cassidy around and pull on her hair.
    Cassidy reached out and grabbed Acid by her
shirt and tried to pull her in close so she could grab at her hands
and get her hands off her hair. All Cassidy could grab was fat
rolls which made getting close harder and harder. “Let me go!”
Cassidy yelled back and began to punch Acid in her tits and belly.
Acid either didn’t feel the blows or was to high on adrenaline to
care. The two women continued to yell and fight in the soup aisle
to the amusement of the customers who paused to watch. Nobody
stepped in to stop it. Not until the unit manager came running down
the aisle and grabbed ahold of Acid and began pulling on her trying
to separate the two. To no one’s surprise, as Acid was pulled in
one direction, Cassidy was pulled along by her hair making the
situation worse.

Chapter 9
Crash landing
    Dennis took off running down the hall with no
clue to where he was going. All he knew was that he was inside some
alien ship and that he had to find Cassidy. Periodically he would
stop and read the signs on the doors and walls but without a
reference point, his efforts were worthless. How was he going to
find Cassidy in a ship that he knew nothing about. His first
instinct was to find an alien and ask them where she was. His
second instinct was to find an alien and force them to tell her
where she was but picking aliens at random might not work as most
probably had no

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