The Girls Club

Free The Girls Club by Jackie Coupe

Book: The Girls Club by Jackie Coupe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Coupe
    “Shush” Sky took her by the cuff of her shirt and started to lead her to the back office.  The den of inequity, where crimes of passion were committed.
    She stopped in her tracks.
    Sky turned to look at her, a playful smile on her face.
    “Its ok you know. I need to talk to you”
    Karen felt heat in her stomach, she didn’t think she’d ever held a conversation that looked as horny as this was apt to be.
    Is this you now?  Is this really.  You came here to find love remember?
    Maybe this is love.  Just more honest. 
    At times her mind needed a little correction that was all.
    Sky was a very pretty girl.  No doubt about it.  Much better looking than Minnie and higher up on the Chain too if this mornings stats were anything to go by.  This was her privilege, on the Chain you were meat for the higher-ups, but maybe being meat would be good for her.  After years of emotional stagnancy every living thing she touched passed its own unique warmth.  Everything was exploration and discovery.
    She turned over the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the knob and closed the door quietly.
    Karen had been in here a few times for files and ledgers.  She guessed it was kept well cleaned, no real trace or smell of what went on in here was widely evident.  There was a large table that had a drop cloth over it, some kind of chenille she guessed.  It always looked clean and fresh.  It also looked very cosy.
    “Minnie goes on about you” Sky said from next to the table.
    Karen looked down at her sensible shoes.
    “I’m sorry” what else could she say?  It was a misplaced infatuation.
    “Don’t be” Sky tossed her blonde curls back from her face and in the dim light looked every inch a brazen Goddess.
    How do you play this?
    However she wants to. Simple as that.
    “Come on. Sit” She hopped onto the large table and patted the space beside her.  Her hand bore a mark.  Vastly outdated if she since re-entered the chain.  Karen wondered what hers would be eventually and walked across the room to where Sky sat.  Emotionally this wasn’t going to be an investment, physically she was feeling all kinds of excitement.  She was far more of a beauty than Minnie, she deserved better.
    She hopped up on the table and kicked her shoes off.
    Sky’s smile curved up on the left side and she slid a hand in between the buttons of Karen’s shirt.   Karen responded with a kiss.  There was no sense of hurry.  It was altogether different than being with Minnie.  Sky had placed her down on the desk and sat beside her.  Just looking.  Undoing buttons and catches.  Her face so serious.  This was a sacred act to Sky.  She had to ask the question before anything final was carried out.
    “Why? I thought Minnie was your partner?”
    Sky pulled Karen’s grey slacks down and tossed them off the end of the table.
    Rather than answer she slid Karen’s embarrassingly simple white panties down, they also ended up on the floor.
    “Really?”  Karen insisted.
    “I love my friends. Always have. Minnie isn’t ever going to settle down.”
    She placed two fingers against Karen’s clitoris, Karen gasped.
    “Maybe I need to be loved. Maybe you?”
    Structured questioning had left the room.  She was being manipulated very masterfully by Sky.  In the quiet minutes that followed Sky saw Karen climax twice in a row.  As Karen shuddered the second time Sky started to cry.
    Oh dear God?  Are they all mad!
    Catching her breath she manhandled Sky down onto the desk.
    “I might not be the one who loves you either? You know that don’t you?” she felt cat mean saying it, but just as she herself had chosen to feel rather than think, she couldn’t expect the same of Sky.
    Sky shook her head sorrowfully.  Tears rolled down each cheek, Karen bent and kissed them away.  Sky couldn’t or perhaps wouldn’t answer.
    You make this better then.  Right now!
    “But that doesn’t mean you have to

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