The Uninvited

Free The Uninvited by Mike Evans

Book: The Uninvited by Mike Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Evans
those that knew him. He did not hate the fact that Traci only lived a few minutes from their place. He liked to think the fact that it was extremely reasonably priced was not the reason that the two lovebirds had taken it. He was much more content telling himself that it was because they were so close.
    He had no intentions of going anywhere and pulled out a carton of smokes from beneath his seat grabbing two packs. He pulled up looking her apartment not seeing the windows open. He couldn’t figure it was cold enough in there to keep the windows closed. He worked his way up the steps, wondering why in the hell anyone would pick a floor this high up. When he made it he knocked twice, then tried the door handle wanting to keep them on their feet. Never safe. Never alone. Dad can always be around the corner so don’t touch my fucking daughter, were the exact thoughts that raced through his mind.
    After a few minutes, no one answered and he began pounding his fist on the door. Within another minute neighbors were slowly starting to look outside to see what it was that was going on. Chuck turned around not unfriendly or shy in the least and pointed to their door. “Hey, any of you all know where these two went? I’m her dad and I want to invite her over for roast today.”
    Chuck got nothing in return but blank faces and nodded his head. “Okay, well thanks for the help amigos.”
    He pulled out his cell phone and dialing his daughter heard nothing on the inside. He felt his pants for the extra key on the ring and went in. What he saw on the inside didn’t make him feel all that much better. It looked like the place had been ransacked. He saw a pair of past due notices on the table and looked through them. The first was for their cell phone bill and there were a few under that which he didn’t pay any attention to. “Well, that’s fucking great. Hard to get a phone call kids when you ain’t got any service on your damn phone." However, kids knowing everything nowadays, probably never gave it so much as a second thought to pay their damn bills on time. Chuck pulled out his wallet tossing it on the table and opened the phone bill paying both of theirs. When he went to hang up the lady with an English accent said, “Remember as this is a holiday it will be up to seventy two hours before the phone will be reactivated and available."
    Chuck called Rosa and said, “Now tell me that I shouldn’t be nervous, or paranoid will ya?”
    “You are always paranoid Chuck; it isn’t really a wonderful quality either. You make me nervous half the time when there isn’t anything to be worried about. Let me guess, you ended up over at Traci’s place didn’t you? Were you able to talk them into lunch?”
    “Well, believe it or not I wasn’t able to talk them into anything, because neither of them were here. I don’t know where the hell they are and I don’t know how to get ahold of them because dipshit, or Mr. Wonderful Isaac, didn’t pay their damn cell phone bills. I can’t reach them and don’t know how to handle it. The neighbors haven't seen them either. I looked outside and saw her car sitting there and Katy’s little car sitting outside as well. I’m wondering if they tried to go out for the weekend. I don’t like not knowing what is going on. Do you think we should call the police?”
    “Why, because your twenty something daughter hasn’t checked in with you? Is there any cause for concern that you are going to be able to tell them about?”
    “You mean other than the fucking killer out on the loose, and them probably being ignorant to it all? No other than that, there isn’t anything that we should be concerned about. Did I mention the killer on the loose out killing people for absolutely no reason at all? The one with the knife that leaves people completely mutilated and fucked up?"
    “Chuck, are you insane? What are you trying to do, give me a heart attack? You can’t tell someone something like that. For

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