Moon Lovers Box Set (BBW Werewolf Romance)

Free Moon Lovers Box Set (BBW Werewolf Romance) by Mac Flynn

Book: Moon Lovers Box Set (BBW Werewolf Romance) by Mac Flynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mac Flynn
clean on his way in," he commented. He held up the large shard. "Most of the glass is on this side of the window."
    "That would be because of the guy who saved me," I told him. "As I told you, he crashed through the window and threw the bandanna member out. Then he grabbed me and put me safely on the roof."
    Officer Cranston stuck his head out the window and glanced over to the fire escape. "Put you safely on the roof?" he asked me.
    "Yeah, but through the fire escape," I explained.
    "Did you see how he managed to jump through this window with the fire escape being all the way over there?"
    I sat down in my chair, clasped my hands together to stop them from shaking and shrugged. "I don't know. I guess he must have jumped from the fire escape or climbed up."
    Cranston leaned down beneath the sill and examined something. "Looks to me like your guy climbed up, but I've never seen a guy able to grip into brick like your guy did here."
    Cartwright snapped his fingers. "That's probably how the guy got on the roof!"
    Cranston leaned back into the room, glanced over his shoulder and scowled at the man. "Who are you?"
    Cartwright cringed at the rough voice. "I-I got Tasha off the roof," he explained to the cop.
    "Did you see this 'hero' that saved Miss Taylor?"
    "Yeah, he was a big dog."
    "Large dog," I corrected him.
    Cranston frowned. "A dog carried you up the fire escape and onto the roof?" I nodded. "All after saving you by jumping through this window and tossing the other guy out?"
    "Yep," I replied with perfect seriousness.
    The officer took off his hat and wiped his brow. "It's too late for your bullshit, Miss Taylor, and yours, too, bub," he replied, addressing Cartwright.
    Cartwright bristled at the title. "I ain't no bub. My name's Brad Cartwright, and I know what I saw. It was a hairy dog that had Tasha over its shoulder. It ran into the bedroom and I saw it disappear with her over the top of the roof."
    Cranston pinched the bridge of his nose and glanced over to Greg. "And what do you know about this?"
    Greg held his hands up in front of him and had a smile on his face. "I'm only here to assess the damage before your boys make a worse mess," he explained.
    "We don't make messes, we fix 'em up," Cranston shot back. "And this one's gonna take a hell of a lot longer than the laundry room, so you're going to have to move out, Miss Taylor."
    "She can move in with me," Cartwright eagerly offered. He had a lecherous look in his eyes that made me shudder.
    "I have a spare cot in my apartment," Greg spoke up. I smiled. That was the second time that night he'd rescued me from certain doom. I'd have to start calling him my Furry angel.
    "Miss Taylor can stay wherever she wants so long as she doesn't leave this building," Cranston replied as he turned to me. "Is there anything else you can tell us about this man who attacked you and the one who rescued you?"
    I shook my head. "The guy didn't say anything to me, and it all happened so fast that I don't think I could recognize the other guy in a lineup."
    "I could give you a description of him," Cartwright offered.
    Cranston turned to him with new respect and interest. He flipped out his notepad and pencil. "Can you? I'd like as much detail as possible."
    "Well, he was a big fellow with some sort of fur coat all over his body, and maybe some furry pants. I didn't see most of his face, but I think he had a mask on because he looked funny." Cartwright gestured with his hand to show a stretched face. "You know, all long like a dog's snout. He was tall, too, and strong because he had her on his shoulder no problem."
    Cranston wrote down the details and glanced at me. "What can you tell me about after he took you up on the roof?"
    "Not much. He heard Mr. Cartwright yelling from the fire escape and ran off across the peak of the roof."
    The officer turned to Greg. "And where were you all this time?" he asked him.
    "Downstairs in my apartment. I came up when I heard the fifth floor groaning

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