BOH 8-21-07 (00178434).DOC

Free BOH 8-21-07 (00178434).DOC by Unknown

Book: BOH 8-21-07 (00178434).DOC by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
Tags: EP - 00178434 - v1
    Cyn’s insides melted. “Peter was like that. He always
    wanted to make things right for people.”
    Beneath her belly, his penis stirred to life. Thoughts
    of Peter vanished.

    Pam Champagne

Chapter Ten
    Cyn’s eyes shot open at the magnified creak of
    floorboards. The branches tapping on the windows
    sounded like fingers. Had the hot water heater always
    sounded so loud?
    Her eyes burned with unshed tears. Mike had been
    gone three hours.
    Remembering Katy’s words to Mike last night
    brought a smile to her face. He’d woken her to say
    goodbye. His daughter had yawned, given him a big hug
    and said, “Watch your back.” Then promptly went back to
    sleep. Definitely a military child. Cyn, on the other hand,
    had wanted to chase Mike out the door, cling to his legs
    and beg him not to go.
    She jumped out of bed when a low-flying jet rumbled
    overhead. Possibly Mike’s ride to the other side of the
    world. Panic welled in her chest. At the window, an
    overcast sky prevented even a glimpse of the lights on the
    transport plane. “God go with you,” she murmured.
    Heart heavy, she trudged back and huddled under
    the covers and breathed deep of Mike’s lingering scent on
    the sheets. Closed her eyes and prayed for sleep.
    An hour later, she gave up, climbed out from under
    the tangled blankets, and shoved her feet into her warm
    By the time Katy rose, she’d done three loads of
    laundry and washed the kitchen floor. Now they sat out
    back on the patio, enjoying breakfast.
    Katy licked yogurt off her spoon. “What are we doing
    “You’ve got strawberry yogurt on your nose.” Cyn

    Bridge of Hope

    forced a bite of cereal into her mouth. “Haven’t got plans.
    Any suggestions?”
    “Could we go to a movie? Daddy always says it’s
    cheaper to rent a DVD, but I like the big screen.”
    With forced enthusiasm, Cyn said, “Sounds great.
    We’ll look in the paper to see what’s playing.”
    “Can Misty come?”
    “If her mother says it’s okay.”
    Katy jumped out of her chair. Cyn sucked in the
    warmth of Katy’s hug and kiss before she took off like a
    small twister. “I love you, Cyn,” she called over her
    shoulder. “You’re the best. Gotta go call Misty.”
    Cyn drained her cup. She needed to make a call as

Nerves turned Cyn’s stomach sour. Had she made a
    mistake, she wondered, as she maneuvered her truck
    through the military housing complex. She’d not been in
    this neighborhood since the night she’d left for the Hope
    Bridge. Just the thought of that dark day brought a chill.
    In the backseat Katy chattered about the movie
    they’d seen this afternoon. “Hey, Cyn, are you listening to
    me? Did you like Shrek the Third ?”
    Driving on autopilot, Cyn took a left, managing to
    run onto the curb. “Sorry, sweetheart. I thought it was
    great.” The lie slipped from between her lips. Truth was
    she didn’t remember one damn thing about the movie.
    “Tell me again where we’re going?”
    “To a get-together for military wives.”
    “You mean the support group?”
    Was there nothing this child didn’t know? “You’ve
    heard of it?”
    “Sure. Misty’s mom goes when her daddy’s overseas.”
    Cyn parked along the tree-lined street and shut off
    the engine. “Mona Kelley said you could play with her
    kids while we meet. You okay with that?”
    “Sure, but we’re not going to be here for hours, are

    Pam Champagne

    “You’ll be home in plenty of time to watch your
    favorite show.”
    Hand in hand, they went up the walkway and rang
    the doorbell.
    Mona opened the door and grabbed Cyn in a hard
    hug. “Welcome, Cyn. I’m thrilled you decided to join us.”
    Embarrassed, Cyn glanced away. “Thanks. It’s just
    that…I’m thinking…I want to...”
    Mona ruffled Katy’s hair. “Sue and Angel are
    upstairs playing Monopoly. Why don’t you run up and join
    the game.”
    Once Katy had left, Mona

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