A Second Chance Love

Free A Second Chance Love by T.K. Paige

Book: A Second Chance Love by T.K. Paige Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.K. Paige
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
many swear words I could match up. I was about three out of five, I thought. Not bad.
    Finally I saw the handle move and the door opened and there they were. Jacob and Kyle, looking very tired, worried, filthy, sweaty and a little bloody. And never had they looked more wonderful. As if we had choreographed it, I lifted both my arms up as they reached down to me and plucked me right up into their arms in one smooth movement, holding me to them as they both buried their faces in my hair.
    I jumped a bit at my dad’s voice and I looked over at him warily. Tightening my arms around Kyle and Jacob, I braced myself for whatever he had to say. He wasn’t a cruel man, so I didn’t expect anything bad, just another appeal for me to go home with him. But all I wanted to do was curl up with my guys in our bed, and I was afraid to even look over at our house right now, to see if we still had one. Jacob and Kyle were standing in front of me, blocking my view, and I wondered if it was because they didn’t want me to see that our house was gone.
    “I’m sorry. They love you, I could see that today when they thought they might lose you. You are right, that’s what’s important.” There was relief and love all tangled up in his eyes.
    I reached out and grabbed the hand he offered, grateful beyond words to have my dad back.
    * * * *
    “What are we going to do about Jacob, Kerri?” Kyle’s voice came from behind me as I wiped down the kitchen counters.
    I sighed. “I don’t know, Kyle. I’m worried. We were so lucky that the house escaped the heavy damage and so did the livestock.” We had lost the barn, some other small buildings and equipment, but nothing that couldn’t be replaced. “Do you think he is really that pissed that I insisted on helping pay for repairs with my money from Caleb’s life insurance?”
    “I don’t know, to be honest. I have never seen him like this. He is short-tempered and everything sets him off. And, dear God, I don’t know about you, but this obsession he has over our health and safety is driving me crazy. That part I can understand to a point, but he went ballistic when he caught me using the table saw by myself.” He came up behind me to hold me tight.
    “Yeah, that is getting way out of control. He found me on a ladder changing a light bulb.” I winced at the memory of that rant. “From his reaction you would have thought I was on a four-story high tightrope without a net.”
    “He isn’t sleeping. How many times have we woken up and he has been gone in the middle of the night?”
    “Too damn many.” I turned around so I could hold him too. My sweet Kyle. “Where is he?”
    “He went into town to pick up something from the store and I saw my chance to talk to you.” He leaned to rest his forehead against mine. “Do you have any ideas?”
    “Actually, yes. It’ll take some planning and some sneakiness.” I grinned up at him. “Are you up for it?”
    “Do you mean what I think you do?” He quirked an eyebrow at me.
    “Yes, I do. We are going to seduce ourselves a rough and tough cowboy. By the time we get through with the big lug, he will be a big puddle of goo and will spill all.” I pictured Jacob in my mind and made a vow. “Kyle, for once he is going to let us take care of him.”

Chapter Four
    It was five days later and Sunday afternoon. Operation ‘Stubborn Bastard’ was a go. Unbeknownst to Jacob, all the hands had been told to stay away from the house even if the apocalypse occurred. Brian, one of our best men, had dryly stated that the apocalypse had already occurred, the antichrist had taken up residence in the boss and it was about fucking time we performed an exorcism.
    I had wanted to protest that it wasn’t that bad and Kyle even tried to sputter one out. But faced with four men with their arms crossed wearing the same concerned and frustrated expressions we had, I finally just shrugged. “I know.”
    I had fixed

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