vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found

Free vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found by Jessica McBrayer

Book: vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found by Jessica McBrayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica McBrayer
killed so that I would be the King’s. We are leaving tomorrow. We only have to get through tonight. Two alphas marking their territory and Basilio’s on home turf. “Besides, he has promised to look into Manda’s disappearance. So we need to give him time to tell us what he discovers.”
          “If we can get through tonight,” he answers.
          I feel my lady bug settle near my cleavage – when I look down there is a beautiful butterfly – amazing, the same color of my dress perched like a broach. The perfect accessory.
          “We will, and then we will be on our way to our wedding, my love,” I say smiling at him.
          He kisses me long and hard. I notice the King watching us and it makes me feel dirty. Great. I need my handi-wipes. At least some hand sanitizer.
          “I know that look. Let’s go get you some wine and you can use the hand sanitizer you have in that tiny bag. Come, cherie.”
          “You know me so well, Bast,” I say.
          At the intricately carved and gold-leafed bar, I pull my sanitizer from my purse and slather a glob on. I start to feel a little better. Sebastian brings us some wine and we sit down at a table. Aidan soon joins us. I give him an arch look – but he is unrepentant. Helena and Julian have taken a table. Hannah and Diel are dancing. Everyone has been trying to meet the famous Demon Duke and his wife and children. Hades stayed in the room for the evening, guarding the babies and helping Liam and Andrew babysit. Basilio sent up plenty of meat and a cow femur for the Hell Hound to occupy himself.
          “When he kissed you, I almost glued his lips together. What were you thinking when you asked him for information on Manda?” Aidan asks. 
          “I believe he was surprised. I think he’s going to find out what’s going on.”
          He looks about as distressed as I have ever seen him. Aidan has the whole unruffled Brit thing down. 
          “I don’t know if I’m more elated that we may finally have something to follow up on or terrified that he won’t find anything to tell us.” He lets out a heavy breath and runs his hand through his hair. “And I think he was surprised too.”
          “My friend, we only have to get through tonight. Then we will be gone,” Julian says.
          “I can survive anything until then, Aidan,” I say patting his hand. “Plus he has given me his word that he will look into Manda’s disappearance.”
          “Yes and he also wants to trade one night with him for that information. I can’t allow it. I knew he had an idea of what happened. I don’t know if I can wait until the wedding, love.”
          “Let me worry about Basilio.”
          He squeezes my hand.
          Basilio surprises us by appearing at my side.
          “Lily, will you please honor me with another dance?”
          “Yes, but then I owe Aidan and Julian a dance.”
          “But of course,” he says with a bow.
          The King leads me back onto the dance floor. I can feel the eyes of my friends on my back. I look down and I see the elegant butterfly. I smile at him. He twitches his antennae at me. I laugh. The King smiles at me.
          “I am glad you are enjoying yourself, bella. I did this all for you. I would give you many beautiful things if you were mine.”
          “I already have everything I need, Basilio,” I smile at him. He is relentless. His single minded attention to what he wants must just wear any resistance down. But I am a werevamp and I’m beginning to learn how tenuous my nature is, as well.
          He sighs.
          “You are not going to let me make love to you are you?”
          “No, I am not. I will dance with you, though.”
          “I will have to be happy with that.” He smiles and pulls me closer to him. “For now.” He is biding his time. He thinks I

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