One More Day

Free One More Day by Auryn Hadley

Book: One More Day by Auryn Hadley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Auryn Hadley
quickly and efficiently, he cracked a couple of eggs into a cup, added a dollop of milk, and whisked them while the pan heated on the stove.  Like he'd done it a million times before, he poured the mixture, turned, grabbed a plate from the cabinet, set it beside him, then turned back to what he was cooking.  It didn't take long at all before he set the plate before her, cheese liberally melting across the top.
    While she ate, he refilled both of their coffee mugs and cleaned the mess.  He managed one more cup before she was done, never interrupting her from eating, but as soon as she set the fork on the plate, he pulled it away.  Three pills appeared in its place.
    "Morning meds," he said, taking the plate to the sink.
    She didn't even try to complain.  She took her medicine as directed by Papa Ryan, then checked the clock again.  With a sigh, she made her way back to the bedroom.
    "You do not need to look pretty for this," he called after her.
    "No, but I need a damned bra, boss."
    He laughed.  "Not really," he said under his breath, but she heard it.
    Glancing back, she raised an eyebrow, surprised to see him blush and turned back to the sink.  Her pride was long gone, so instead of worrying about finding something to wear, she just pulled the tank over her head, put on her bra, and pulled the tank back on.  Ryan walked in just as she lowered it over her breasts.  His steps paused.
    "Sorry," he said.
    "I'm giving up being worried about it.  I've just done more in front of you in my first week of work than I think I have in front of anyone I've known.  What more is there, stripping?  I mean, you're about to watch me get poisoned."
    "It's not that bad."  He snagged a pair of his shoes at the side of the room. 
    "It's pretty demeaning."
    "Yeah.  Cancer kinda is.  Thing is, Mack, it's worse laying in your own vomit for a few hours.  Mom did that."
    "I'm sorry."  What else could she say to that?
    "Yeah.  I mean, she had it bad before they found it.  Looked up yours, and this should be a piece of cake."
    "Shit," she laughed around the word.  "I've got six weeks of this, and then surgery that's going to knock my ass out for two months."
    He nodded.  "Yeah, I read.  C'mon, get your shoes on.  We'll stop by your place when we're done and grab some more stuff."
    "Hey..."  She slipped her foot into a running shoe.  "Thanks, Ryan.  I mean it.  You're a pretty good guy."
    He chuckled.  "Just trying to impress you."  Then he offered her a hand up.
    Together they made their way downstairs and through the back door of the shop.  He locked it behind them, and pressed the key fob, unlocking the truck.  Unlike Colby, he escorted her to the passenger side and pulled open the door with that boyish smile.  As soon as she hopped in the seat, he closed it and made his way to the other side.
    There she was, in her fuzzy purple pants, black tank, and grey hoodie, being taken to her chemo by a man who looked like an underwear model in Technicolor.  He'd given up the long sleeve shirt, and as he walked beside her into the clinic, he gently draped those tattoos across the back of her shoulders.  As soon as they entered, she saw every woman's head turn.
    A few were patients, most were nurses, but every woman noticed Ryan Sterling.  He never acknowledged it, though.  Guiding her to the glass window, he just waited while she signed in, standing almost protectively beside her, then followed her to a pair of chairs in the waiting room.
    "You still good?" he asked.
    "Yeah.  I figure this is the fighting back part.  I'm kicking the shit out of it, right?"
    "That's my girl."  He claimed her hand.  "And when you think about quitting, I'll push you some more.  Sound like a plan?"
    "Yeah.  This going to get that rough?"  She was hyper-aware of his touch.
    "It might."  His fingers squeezed hers.  "But we're here the whole way."
    "Mackenzie?" a nurse called.
    Ryan stood and helped her up.  She wasn't feeling that weak,

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