Feral Series IV: Feral Fallout

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Book: Feral Series IV: Feral Fallout by Skhye Moncrief Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skhye Moncrief
with my hair and shirt.
    "Are you in pain, Theone?” M'yote demanded.
    "No.” I wouldn't give the bastard holding me the luxury of knowing.
    "Then maybe I'll claim her,” the !Dakos warrior yelled.
    I swung again, down onto my hands and knees, where a force rammed up against my ass. The bite at the back of my neck intensified as more stinging pressure drew my head back.
    M'yote and Solvun stared at me.
    Or the sight. Wide-eyed.
    The pressure at my ass quickly registered as a hard-on.
    Big. Deadly by the vehemence in its owner's attitude. I searched M'yote's blue eyes for something. Anything to work with.
    Come on, commander. Just how should I proceed?
    "Slow down, Notk. Don't do anything foolish,” M'yote warned, he gingerly tugged his glove off his hand.
    Was he going to protect me? It's about freaking time.
    "Oh,” Notk groaned while grinding the steel shaft in his pants against my hips. “I see why Flonn wanted your female. But I'll do one better. I'll gift her a little gift by making her stronger with a modification. Just give me a moment.” He shoved my ass again. “And her spinal column will be fully augmented."
    Talk about demented-cyborg talk! I glared a get-this-bastard-off-my-ass look at M'yote.
    Solvun ran his tongue across his teeth beneath his upper lip in a typical male why-do-you-have-to-drag-me-into-this gesture.
    No matter where you go in the universe, the male mind always operates the same. Talk about a scientific observation.
    Notk's suddenly shoved me against the ground and hovered, casting a long shadow.
    Why? Only an idiot would leave any room for him to change his mind. So, I scrambled to me feet and stood beside M'yote. Albeit, the !Dakos male was a good six feet tall. But that hand was what made me feel safe with him.
    Notk glowered at me like I was the gray Sasquatch. “Rom is coming. Nobody makes any rash movements."
    "Rom?” I whispered at M'yote.
    "You'll wish you hadn't come close to Treusch.” Solvun guffawed.
    Rom proved as large as the other !Dakos, like they were cut with the same cookie cutter. He sported the same musculature and long hair tied back in a queue. But something about him screamed rational.
    Rational sounded pretty good after gray mutant female and big nasty Notk. I donned my best politician's mask and tried to win some points for good behavior.
    Rom sighed.
    A really nice humanizing sound to hear come from something similar to the brute standing at attention behind him.
    "We'll make your brother as comfortable as a noble Prall deserves.” Light glinted in Rom's eyes suggesting he tried not to laugh but missed the mark. Then his gaze slid to me. “But, Solvun, you will no longer doubt my loyalty to the crown of Prall."
    Notk grabbed M'yote's shoulder and shoved him toward the stone steps, leaving me behind.
    What did Rom plan to do with me? “She's yours, Solvun. One breach of etiquette on your female's part and you will suffer the consequences."
    Solvun locked a glinting gaze upon me and literally drooled where he grinned at me.
    Like I was his next meal. Talk about screwed. The sharks circled my perch on the plank like someone baited the water with blood bait before planning to nudge me off the edge with a swift prod. And the iron prod in Notk's pants was a harpoon.
    M'yote shot me nothing short of a pity glance.
    But what could the gesture do for me when his annoying brother—God forbid big self-centered King—licked his chops while gazing in my direction? I felt naked although I was completely covered.
    "Extend your arms,” a male said from behind me.
    All I could do was stand there as they cuffed me with golden bracelets linked together by a short length of chain. But the cuffs weren't the depressing part. No. The choker had to win that honor. With a length of the same golden chain between the shackles around my wrists and clipped to my neck, all my optimism went flying back into deep space. Where my bastard evil-pirate commander jumped ship and tossed

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