Toxic Filth - 4 Dirty Stories
floor. My grunts
and her groans combined to fill up the room with sounds of sex.
    After riding my cock for a full minute with
ever increasing aggression, Teagan slammed down onto me one final
time and held her body in place atop mine with my cock deep in her
    Teagan took a moment to recover, then
dropped her knees to the floor, straddling me proper. She then
reached back and put her hands on my thighs and leaned back,
arching her spine, tilting her chin towards the ceiling and pushing
her tits out more prominently.
    While Teagan went back to riding my cock, I
reached out and grabbed ahold of her tits, one in each hand.
    “ That’s what I’m talking
about,” she said, staring down at me with an intense look. “Squeeze
my tits.”
    So I did, squeezing them tightly, causing
her to pummel me even more aggressively. As she hammered herself
down atop me, she glared down at me with fire in her eyes and said,
“Slap my tits.”
    I did as I was told, giving her two good
smacks, one on each tit.
    “ That’s right, just like
that,” she said, bouncing up and down on me with her full weight,
our bodies coming together with loud, wet, slapping sounds. “Smack
my fucking tits. Smack them like you mean it!”
    I continued smacking away Teagan’s tits
while she impaled herself on my cock. I was enjoying myself
immensely—too much in fact. I needed to take a little break, and
fast, before it was too late.
    So, after giving Teagan a few more smacks
for good measure, I slid out from underneath her, forcing my cock
out of her pussy.
    “ What’s the matter?” she
asked, flashing me a confused look.
    “ Nothing,” I said. “I just
need to take a little time to recover before, you know . .
    She smiled and nodded knowingly.
    “ But don’t worry,” I said.
“I’ll keep you plenty busy while I recuperate.”
    “ Sounds good to me,” Teagan
    I stood up, then reached my hand down
towards her. “May I?”
    “ You may,” she said,
grasping my hand.
    I helped Teagan to her feet then picked her
up in my arms and carried her over to the couch while she giggled
playfully and nibbled on my ear. Once there, I dropped her atop the
couch, lengthwise and on her back, so her head was lying on the
pillow nestled into the crevice between the cushions and the
armrest. Then I spread her legs, putting one of them up over the
back of the couch, opening her up to me.
    Once she was in position, I held my hand out
in front of my face, showing it to her. It was balled in a fist
except for my index and middle fingers, which were sticking
straight out and pressed together.
    “ The fingers are the great
equalizer,” I said. “The easiest way for a man to guarantee that
any woman comes away satisfied without having to worry about
cumming too soon.”
    “ That sounds like fun to
me,” Teagan said, grinning from ear to ear. “And don’t be shy with
them. Feel free to get them in there and get them
    “ Oh, don’t worry,” I said.
“I will.”
    And with that, I leaned forward and slid two
fingers inside Teagan’s pussy.
    Teagan took a deep breath and let it out in
a rush as I began exploring around. I started slowly but it wasn’t
long before I settled into a good rhythm, my fingers gliding in and
out of her slick, soaking wet pussy with ease while she moaned and
    I gradually increased the intensity,
slamming my fingers inside Teagan’s pussy at a faster pace, her
moans growing more animated as I finger-fucked her with more
aggression. I lifted my body up a little higher, changing the angle
a bit and relieving some of the pressure on my arm.
    “ That’s it, that’s it,”
Teagan said, her voice insistent. “Bang that fucking pussy with
your fingers. Harder, baby. Give it to me harder!”
    I was already giving it to Teagan pretty
good, but if she wanted it harder, I had no problem giving it to
her. I rose up even higher, allowing me deeper access to her pussy,
which I took advantage of,

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