Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)

Free Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) by Kathryn Kelly

Book: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) by Kathryn Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Kelly
asked innocently. “It slipped my mind.”
    “I’ll bet it did,” Meggie bit out.
    Johnnie sighed. “Rory and I have to get to the park. Will you two work this out?”
    “We’re fine,” Kendall said.
    “Yep, perfect,” Meggie agreed.
    While Kendall waited for her husband and son to leave, Meggie headed to the dining room. Fee stayed in the kitchen. All the better to listen and appease her curiosity.
    Rory flew to Kendall and hugged her legs. He wore jeans and a cut similar to Johnnie’s. “Bye, Mother!”
    She ruffled his blond hair. “Have fun with dad, my love.”
    “Me and CJ like to play.”
    At the mention of CJ’s name, Kendall grimaced.
    “I want to play, Dad.”
    Whatever he’d intended to say to his wife evaporated at his son’s interruption. “When I get home tonight, you and I are talking, Kendall. I want answers. Understand?”
    “Nothing’s going on,” she stressed.
    “Bullshit, but I have to accept it for now. Whatever it is, fix it,” he ordered.
    “It was just a joke gone bad,” she admitted. “Meggie doesn’t have a sense of humor.”
    “Oh, wow.” If Kendall’s jokes with Meggie were any way the insult she’d given Fee, then she understood the attitude. She shook her head. “You’re such a riot.”
    “I am,” Kendall agreed, either missing or ignoring Fee’s sarcasm.
    Rory jigged up and down. “I want to go, Dad.”
    Kendall swallowed at the sight of Rory’s energetic moving, before blurting, “Keep still.”
    “He can’t.” Johnnie grabbed Rory’s hand. “He’s a little kid.”
    Snapping her mouth shut, Kendall ground her teeth together but stayed silent.
    “I’ll see you later tonight, gorgeous.”
    As abruptly as he’d arrived, Johnnie departed with his son.
    Kendall heaved in breath and stiffened her spine. “Let’s eat.”
    Fee followed Kendall to the dining room, finding Meggie seated at the table.
    Kendall stalked to the other side of the table and leaned forward. Bracing her hands on the table, she glared at Meggie. “You’re doing a piss poor job of keeping up appearances like we agreed after last week’s…disagreement. Unless you’re doing this on purpose.”
    Wait, what?
    “I’m here, aren’t I? I didn’t know Johnnie hadn’t left yet.”
    “Do you know I can take your extreme reaction as a sign of your extreme guilt .”
    Meggie jumped up. In turn, Kendall straightened. “I don’t care if the guys are gone or not. I’m leaving. I refuse to sit here so you can accuse me of sleeping with Johnnie because my son has blond hair.”
    Oh shit. Christopher needed to know about this, too.
    Kendall rattled the chair in front of her. “It was a fucking joke.”
    “No, it wasn’t. You don’t joke about those things.”
    “You’re so, so annoying. Fine! I’m sorry. Ok? Can we just eat?”
    Meggie laughed without humor. “You’re impossible. You can eat your lox and bagels yourself, Kendall. You’re just incredible. You know that?”
    “Yes, I do.”
    “I didn’t mean it as a compliment, so shut up.”
    “Do you accept my apology or not?”
    “That is one of your crappiest apologies ever.”
    Kendall shrugged. “It’s the best I have.”
    “Don’t ever accuse me of sleeping with Johnnie. I’ll stop coming to our brunches and not care who knows why. More than that, don’t ever say my kids aren’t Christopher’s. He’s the only one I’ve had children for.”
    “He’s the only one you’ve slept with. According to you. That means he had to teach you in order to find any pleasure.” She raised her hands at Meggie’s glare. “Just an observation.”
    “First a joke and now an observation,” she hissed. “Are you advertising your own experience or bragging about it?”
    “Please, can we forget about this? We’ve been getting along for the past few months.” Kendall thrust her chin toward the side board. “I have fruit for you. To extend an olive branch. Until we settle this, you’ve agreed to keep

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