missive frightened her; if this was a joke, it was no longer funny. Hopefully, her urgent message and the fact that it could possibly be Jill herself, since she was practically the only person she saw as close, who could die would push her to put more pressure on their source in IT. In the meantime, she needed to remain in child’s pose or she would jump out of a window.
Memphis took the stairs rather than waiting for the elevator to the fourth floor where the class was held. Her yogi, Martha, would be proud. Martha was fifty-five years old with the body of someone well under half her age. She rolled out her mat in her usual corner of the room; she wasn’t at hand-standing levels yet.
Unlike some people, she thought while looking in the direction of another classmate, Whitney the show-off. She gave her a dirty look before sitting down, though she was well on the way to becoming an exceptional student herself.
Martha led the class through breathing exercises before they went through various positions. It felt so good to stretch her muscles; she reached to worship the sun, moving smoothly into child. The class was over before she knew it. They were soon in corpse pose, with Martha walking around them, dabbing scented oil on the center of their foreheads—their Third Eyes. It reminded Memphis of that poor teacher who went to Brooklyn never to return. She shook the thoughts from her mind and tried to focus on Martha’s voice. Martha was such a lovely, wonderful person. She could picture her in her mind; her smile lines were the only indication of her age. She had a daughter Memphis’s age; she was probably the perfect mother.
The warm thoughts of Martha were suddenly replaced with a vision of her falling down the flight of stairs right outside the classroom.
She sat up in horror. “Martha!” she shouted.
“ Yes, dear. Are you all right?” Martha had come to her side, concerned.
“ Oh, it was just a muscle spasm.”
“ Where it is? I’ll rub it down for you,” she offered.
“ It’s gone now. If it’s okay, I’m just going to head to the showers a bit early today.”
“ Yes, dear, of course it is. Use the last stall; it has the best showerhead.” She gave her a warm smile and went on to anoint the rest of the class.
Memphis padded over to the changing rooms to grab her shower supplies. The water was nice and hot as she stepped in the shower. She tried to let the water wash away the negative image of Martha falling, but she suddenly felt a sense of urgency. She had to get out of the shower and get dressed. She ran out of the bathroom, hair still wet, and saw Martha walking backwards toward the stairs. No one saw the errant yoga mat behind her. Memphis called out to warn her, but it was too late.
No! She thought as she saw Martha begin to fall.
Everyone seemed frozen in shock. They watched in horror as their teacher fell, her hands reaching out to grab something to stop her descent. Memphis reached out to grab Martha’s hand and felt her soft grip. She and Martha looked down at their hands in surprise before Memphis pulled her up to the landing.
“ Memphis, my dear, thank you!” Martha exclaimed breathlessly.
Everyone gathered around them, asking Martha if she was all right and patting Memphis on the back for her rapid reflexes. Everyone was so relieved that Martha was all right that they didn’t seem to notice or care to ask Memphis how she was able to get from the bathrooms to the landing so fast. Memphis decided to leave before they could think to ask any questions.
She grabbed her bags and checked her phone. She had a voice message from Jill. The IT guy was able to trace the astrogirl88 e-mail account’s owner, but they were very confused when they found out who it was.
“ It said it belonged to you, Memphis. Give me a call when you get this.”
She immediately returned Jill’s phone call. Jill was on Madison Avenue at Vera Wang’s store, trying on gowns. She invited Memphis to meet her