Across the Ocean

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Book: Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Sosbee
Just think, we will be almost 3,000 miles closer to each other, and the time difference will only be four hours! Imagine that!
    marxist: At least there is something to look forward to in all of this. Please be safe.
    salemsme: Thanks, Ari. Talk to you soon.
    Chapter 4
    Present Time
    I blink my eyes a bit due to the bright sunlight and cover part of my face with the side of my hand as I wait for them to adjust. There are already five people in the longest pool and I walk over and look down at the water.
    Across the distance, I can see the ocean and the mountains meet, and then there is just the vast nothing over the water. This has to be one of the most serene places I’ve ever been.
    Everyone is looking at me, mostly with smiles. Gunnar and Helgi are sitting next to each other and leaning against the wall behind them, facing me. To my left are Ari and Lára, and I have the side I’m on all to myself. There’s also a random guy I don’t know sitting next to Gunnar, and I wonder if he’s been here the whole time, or what.
    Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately ; I haven’t decided yet), Gunnar has his legs stretched out across the pool, so I’m kind of cramped in my space. I really don’t mind though, as the deliciously hot water covers my skin as I sink slowly down.
    “Oh , wow,” I ooze loudly, rolling my eyes in dramatic bliss. “This is really something else.”
    “You ’re telling me,” agrees Gunnar. He still has those blasted aviator sunglasses on, and I’d really just like to get a good look at him. His smile is really charming. I happen to have a thing for dark-haired men.
    The stranger leans forward with his hand outstretched. He ’s fairly good looking as well. Is this country only full of handsome men or what? His hair is fairly short and is a sun-bleached light red. He has twinkling blue eyes and is sporting a cheeky grin on his face. His facial structure definitely reminds me of a stereotypical Viking with strong cheekbones and a broad jaw line.
    “Hi, I ’m Baldvin. It’s nice to meet you.” I shake his hand and return the gesture.
    “I ’ve heard a bit about you, Baldvin. It’s lovely to meet you as well.” I let go of his hand and sink back into the water. I also notice Lára wagging her eyebrows at me.
    Continuing to make nice by smiling and nodding at everyone in the pool, my eyes end with Ari. He ’s looking at me as well, but it’s a bit difficult to read what he’s thinking. He wraps his arm around Lára and averts his eyes.
    Well, fine. If he’s going to continue to play the “We can’t look at each other or socialize in public” game, then I am going to make sure that I start enjoying the men on my vacation. Somehow, I keep forgetting that I’m on vacation, and I can really do whatever I want. I’m single and Ari isn’t the boss of me.
    Shrugging my shoulders a bit, I settle back against the little wall so I can rest my neck and head against the top. I stretch my legs out a little bit and they come in contact with Gunnar’s. He seems to be a really nice guy and pretty handsome so far. Why not flirt a little bit? Maybe Ari will be jealous.
    Plus, it ’ll be fun to enjoy some male attention. I’ve been out of the flirting game for a while so this could be fun. I give him a flirty smirk and a wink for good measure.
    Everyone continues on with whatever conversations they were having before I stepped out of the dressing room, and most of it is in Icelandic so I ’m unable to understand it. That’s fine with me. I just rest my head back down and enjoy this awesome hot pool.
    MSN chat
    Brooke is in Indiana.
    marxist: The guys and I just got back from the hot pools a bit ago. I wish you could see this place someday. We saw the northern lights tonight.
    salemsme: Wow, that really sounds amazing. Stop rubbing it in. :P
    marxist: If you were here, it would just be you and I going. There’s no way you wouldn’t have a good time.

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