Across the Ocean

Free Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee

Book: Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Sosbee
to the top of her bathing suit and she’s almost ready to go. Good; now I can be alone. Grabbing her towel out of the bag, I hear a quick “See you out there,” as she discreetly slides out the door without letting anyone see me in a state of partial undressing.
    After pushing my pants down and stepping out of them, I fold them up and shove them into my bag. Standing in just my underwear and bra, I just stop for a moment and take a deep breath. I close my eyes and just try to focus on what’s going on around me.
    I ’m in the middle of nowhere, getting ready to jump into the natural hot pools with a bunch of strangers. Being naturally very outgoing, this isn’t what has caused my pulse to suddenly speed up. Everything always comes back to Ari.
    Slipping my bra straps down my shoulders, I reach forward to grab my  sapphire blue bikini top and do a quick switcheroo. Then I do the same speedy change with the matching bikini bottoms and my panties. I grab a towel from the bag and shove all my discarded clothes inside before hanging my towel up on one of the hooks.
    I turn toward the door and take a deep breath to prepare myself. I look down to make sure all my important bits are covered by the bathing suit like they should be. I have to admit—I look really good.
    I realize I haven ’t told you a huge amount about what I look like. Mostly because I’ve been too busy telling you about everything else. Being only 5 foot 2 inches, I’m rather short. I weigh only around 105 lbs. and petite is a perfectly suitable word to describe me.
    My hair is the shade of dark chocolate that falls to just below my shoulder blades. It ’s fine and can be kind of wispy. My bangs are side swept.
    Since I ’m from California, I also have a great tan. It really helps my eyes pop. I think I mentioned before that I have blue eyes. Without sounding super stuck up, I rather like my eyes. They have a very pretty ring of deep gold surrounding my pupils, and then the blue surrounds the gold.
    I ’ve often been told I have a nice rack, and considering they are 32D, I have to agree with those people. They’re one of my nicest assets. Besides my ass, of course. I’ve got a healthy amount of bum for how small I am. I hear the guys like that too. Yay for me !
    I grew up dancing and performing and have definitely been blessed with great genes, not to mention a high metabolism. Most guys like what they see when they look at me.
    Planting a little smirk on my face, I open the door and saunter out towards the pools.
    MSN Chat
    Brooke is preparing to move to Indiana.
    marxist: Are you finished packing yet?
    salemsme: Not even close. I swear I am the worst procrastinator ever. Maybe if I was moving somewhere a little more exciting…like Iceland!
    marxist: Somehow, I doubt that you wouldn’t procrastinate if you packed for Iceland, too.
    Are you sure you want to move to Indiana? Are you sure that Tommy deserves all this effort you are putting towards him?
    salemsme: Nothing in life is certain. If we spend all our time asking ourselves “What if?” Then we will waste so much time that should be spent living. Of course, I don’t know how things will turn out, but I will always jump in with both feet and try my best. I’ll remain optimistic! It’s ok to make mistakes. It’s how we learn to appreciate the great things we have in life.
    marxist: I’m glad you are so hopeful. I just feel really helpless after everything that has happened this year for you. You’re in a delicate place and I don’t want anything to happen to you. I’d rather you just came here. I wish you were coming here to me.
    salemsme: I want the same thing. Although I appreciate your concerns about my “delicate condition,” I can’t treat myself as though I’m made of glass. I have to keep moving forward. You can’t always protect me, you know.
    marxist: I know. I wish I could.
    salemsme: As do I. I’ll let you know when I arrive in Indianapolis.

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