Secret Temptation [The Callens 3] (Siren Publishing M?nage Everlasting)

Free Secret Temptation [The Callens 3] (Siren Publishing M?nage Everlasting) by Melody Snow Monroe

Book: Secret Temptation [The Callens 3] (Siren Publishing M?nage Everlasting) by Melody Snow Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Snow Monroe
them, she had wanted him to act a bit regretful that he’d be left behind. “I packed a picnic lunch. Does that entice you?”
    He waved a hand. “Sounds wonderful, but I’ll pass.” He turned around and continued brushing one of the horses.
    Randy would be a hard nut to crack. Maybe he just wasn’t interested in her. She wouldn’t blame him. She was more into bookwork, and Randy was more physical. She bet he liked to drive fast cars. She’d already witnessed his desire to ride fast horses.
    Blake shrugged and moved next to her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her out of the barn. He leaned over. “We tried.”
    She smiled. “I’m fine with that. As that Bonnie Raitt song says, I can’t make you love me if you don’t. ”
    He chuckled. “I hear ya, but stealing from Shakespeare, the phrase the gentleman doth protest too much, methinks, also applies.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Randy has been quite consistent with his unwillingness to pursue me.”
    “He doesn’t want you to see him weaken.” He tapped his chest. “Trust me, we’ll convert him. It will take a bit of ingenuity on our part. You up for the challenge?”
    If it meant she could have both men, she’d absolutely be willing to try. “You bet.”
    For the moment, April put aside Randy’s unwillingness to be part of the team and focused on wonderful Blake. He was as witty as he was smart.
    “How about I drive since it’s a bit complicated to get there?”
    “Perfect. I can relax and enjoy the beautiful Wyoming scenery.” He winked, acting as if he would spend time watching her.
    The drive was lovely. The sky was a deep blue and the grass a rich green. This was maybe the prettiest time of year, though seeing the snow on the mountains took a close second.
    Once they pulled into the national park, she drove a few miles before seeing the sign for the turnoff to the path. No other cars were in the lot, giving her hope they’d have complete privacy in their hideaway.
    “Ready for your adventure?”
    “You bet.”
    From the back, she grabbed her pack. Since it was warm, she peeled off her outer layer and stuffed it in the knapsack.
    “I’ll carry that,” Blake offered.
    “Thanks.” The pack only weighed thirty pounds, which for him would seem light.
    “How far is this special place?”
    From his excited tone, he’d be up for a five-hour trek if she suggested it. “Maybe an hour?”
    “Great. Lead the way.”
    She loved the fresh smell of the pine forest and the crunch of leaves under her feet. There was a sense of freedom that descended on her every time she stepped foot into the land of canopied trees and majestic views. Not wanting to get too tired, she kept her pace steady. Every time she looked over her shoulder, Blake was studying his surroundings. He wasn’t out of breath, so she kept going. The sooner they reached their destination, the sooner she could get him naked.
    The path began to increase in steepness. Soon she was out of breath. It had been too long since she’d hiked. When she could hear the rush of blood in her ears, she stopped.
    “I need a drink. Turn around.” He followed her instruction, and she extracted both water bottles. “Here.”
    He took the proffered bottle and drank quite a lot. Good thing she brought the water filter pump so they could fill up their bottles on the way down.
    “You want to sit for sec? You’re a little flushed.”
    She chuckled. “I’m good for my standards. Nerds are supposed to suck at outdoor activities in case you didn’t know.” Only then did she realize he might not realize she was talking about herself. “I was talking about me. You’re in great shape.” Really great shape .
    He was drinking from the bottle and nearly spit out the water. “Here I thought you were implying I was a nerd.” His grin told her he was kidding.
    That was what she loved about him. His sense of humor was always so on top of things. That and the fact he had a sense of humor, unlike

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