Rosko, Mandy - Night and Day (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Free Rosko, Mandy - Night and Day (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) by Mandy Rosko

Book: Rosko, Mandy - Night and Day (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) by Mandy Rosko Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandy Rosko
thoughts to wander easily.
    He hoped Ben would show up soon so he could tell Silus where they were going. For a half second, Cedric had been so caught up in his anger that he’d practically changed the time of the reservation just to be petty.
    No. He wasn’t doing that. He wanted to be with Silus for real, whatever real meant in whatever it was they were doing. Silus had seemed pretty damn bored with his story about a forced marriage.
    So what did Silus want out of this? Guess he’d find out tonight.

Chapter Seven

    Normally it would take about two hours to drive into New York City to get to the Palace Hotel, but with the hour of their reservation approaching, Cedric wasn’t too concerned. Ben said he would teleport them both, no harm no foul, and because Cedric was playing sick amongst the family and guests, and was currently on his father’s hot list, no one would be expecting to see him anytime tonight for dinner or the entertainments.
    The thing that bugged him most was what he should pack, and whether he should pack at all. They could be going just to sort out whatever it was they were doing. Didn’t really mean either would be spending the night.
    He just about snorted. Yeah, right.
    To have or to not have Superman quality sex. That is the easy question.
    Regardless of how hard it was to read Silus, it was real obvious the vamp loved having sex with him.
    However, whether Silus wanted more than just a fuck buddy, well, that was a little harder. Did Cedric even want to be someone’s fuck buddy? No, not really. And this was a vampire he was dealing with. For all he knew, Silus only wanted him for his blood and the apparently amazing orgasms it gave him.
    Despite the fact that Silus was technically an undead, Cedric wanted that undead man to not think of him as just as hole. He liked the vampire, which was weird because he was, well, a vampire.
    If he packed it would look like he expected to spend the night with Silus regardless of what they said to each other. If he didn’t then he’d have no guarantees of lube and definitely no clean clothes if they did decide to hit the sheets.
    Cedric stood over his empty suitcase pondering this. Decisions, decisions. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
    “You look quite lost in thought.”
    “Jesus—!” Cedric jumped in the air and flew over his bed. He landed on his face on the floor by the time he identified that silvery, sexy voice as belonging to Silus.
    Heart banging some sort of uppity mix, Cedric fisted the sheets in his bed and smiled. “What are you doing here? Actually, forget that. How did you even find me?”
    Sun sprites didn’t formally have surnames, but they kept legal last names as a courtesy to their human counterparts. Still, it wasn’t as if that name was listed in the phone book or anything.
    Silus continued to stare as though he expected Cedric to leap up again, this time out a window or something. The vamp looked like he’d just come from a business meeting. A long black trench coat was undone, exposing a pressed black suit beneath with bloodred tie and gleaming vest. “Aside from my own blood, there is only one other family of outstanding class that lives in this general area. You mentioned a wedding, and there are more cars here than even I own and a decorated gondola in your garden.”
    Ben next appeared in that popping-into-existence way he tended to pull off so well. He seemed taken aback at the sight of Silus. “How the hell did you beat me here?”
    “I am a creature of the night and stars. Indeed, if you look out that window you will find that it is night and the stars are shining.”
    “No, no, no, I went to your room, told you about the change in plans and teleported out. I stopped at a gas station for three seconds to get a drink. That’s it. I should’ve beaten you here.”
    Cedric looked, and there was a half empty red Gatorade bottle in Ben’s hand. He didn’t drink that much mid-teleport so he obviously stayed at the store a little

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