That was a thing for Petra's entire family.
Honor above all
else. They lived it, even in private.
When the doors
sealed themselves, they moved straight up. Quickly. The craft, which was lovely
inside, and made to look like a very large carriage with a single bed in the
back, all done in red velvet, except for the windows which dotted the side
every few feet. There was no sense of motion as it rose, and Pet looked
straight ahead, even as Maria glanced back at the lovely pink coverlet on the
giant bed behind them.
That was
telling, wasn't it?
Maria wondered
if she should try to get out of it, for about ten seconds. Then realized that
it would serve more than one purpose to have Petra that way. It would bring
them closer together, especially if they did things regularly after that. Maria
was skilled enough to make that attractive, even if the other woman didn't
normally show interest in the same sex. Plus, if nothing else, it really showed
that Pet was willing to actually try to be her friend. Not doing it
would be foolish.
Plus, she'd
never thought that Petra wasn't attractive, had she? Oh, perhaps while being beaten ,
but only because of anger.
When they were
up high enough for the world to seem like it was slowly spinning under them, a
dark hand brought out a different amulet, which was placed under the control
bauble. The one that was there looked like a floating crystal ball, but that
was simply what had been picked. It could be made to look like anything, after
all. The entire craft could.
Petra took a
deep breath, then let it out very slowly.
"So. Plans
for the evening?"
Maria let her
lips curl up, and batted her eyes a bit, flirting openly.
"Well, we
could go down on each other? Then, after that... We could..." She actually
felt shy suddenly, since it was a lot to ask of anyone, wasn't it? The words
caught in her throat, which got a strange reaction.
Petra actually
shook her head a bit.
"What's so
bad that you're blushing about asking? I mean, you ? We didn't bring any
oil, so anal fisting is out, and other than that I'm not too sure there's
anything you wouldn't do with a smile on your face. So, what is it? Just tell
me. It will be better that way than being ambushed when you suddenly try
It was a bit
mean to say it that way, but she just nodded.
"Not that.
I'm not into causing pain, when it can be avoided, unless that's what my
friends need, I mean. Then it's fine enough. No, I..." She looked away and
swallowed. "I need to get a message to King Richard. You know that Marvin
and I..."
Petra looked
away herself then, her shoulders going stiff.
"That you
betrayed your oaths to him? Yes, that has been mentioned. More than
once. I'm not all that happy about it. I can't go against the
King. I love my brother, but throwing in with that rabble is less than noble.
I... If we're to do anything toward mending our relationship, I don't think
this is the topic to start with."
Nodding, Maria
looked back at the woman.
"Ah. I'd
never been sure if you'd been told or not. I shouldn't now, since it's horrible
spycraft, but I need to get a message to King Richard as soon as possible, in a
way that won't be traced. The rebellion is making a last effort to kill him,
before it's too late. Everything else has failed, and in this action, they
know, those left, that being found out will surely lead to their deaths. We can
use this to break the backs of those that would overthrow the King, if we are
clever enough about it. We can’t use their plan, because, frankly, it’s close to
useless." She saw the light begin in Petra's eyes.
How the woman
had missed knowing about Marvin and her, she didn't really understand. Prince Gerent knew, after all. He'd figured it out. Apparently when Debbie had asked him
not to mention it to anyone. He'd been better to his word than any would have
suspected, she realized, if his own wife didn’t know. It made her decide to
have sex with him whenever he wanted. Even if