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Book: CREEPERS by Bryan Dunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryan Dunn
Tags: Watering Instructions: Don't
    “The Deglet Noor is the king of dates,” said Sam, motioning towards the palms. “Doc and I figure by next year we’ll be growing the seedless version.”
    “ Doc? Laura questioned, suddenly forgetting the dates. “Dr. Henry Fletcher?”
    “Right, I should’ve mentioned that…”
    “That’s why I’m here. I’m on my way to see him.”
    “Yeah, I know. Carla called, said you might be stopping by.”
    “Oh,” Laura nodded.
    “So how do you know, Doc? Dr. Fletcher?”
    “We met once, years ago…” she said, letting her voice trial off. “He’s not expecting me.”
    “I didn’t think so.”
    “Doc doesn’t get any visitors. Especially good-looking women.”
    “Hmm,” she nodded, saying to herself, glad he thinks so . “Well, won’t he be surprised.”
    “I understand it’s not far from here… do I just follow the road?”
    “Basically, yeah. But not in that,” said Sam, pointing at her car. “That Honda will never make it. The road up to Fletcher’s is like the back of a camel. Four-wheel-drive only.”
    Laura frowned. “How far is it?”
    “Two hours… on foot .”
    “By four-wheel-drive, I mean,” she said flatly, stopping just short of rolling her eyes.
    “I seen Sam make the run to Doc’s in twenty-five minutes,” said Curley, stepping out of the shadows and giving Laura a wide-eyed look. He’d never seen such a good-looking woman .
    “Yeah, but not at night,” said Sam, putting a hand on Curley’s back. “Curley, say hello to Laura.”
    Curley raised his cap. “Hey,” he said. You could see the blush on his cheeks clear through his beard.
    “Nice to meet you, Curley,” she said, warmly. “Quaint name,” she added, giving Sam a little smile.
    “Quaint?” said Curley, giving her a confused look.
    “Just say thank you, Curley,” Sam laughed. “Trust me on this.”
    Curley threw up his hands and shook his head. “I don’t understand you any better than Sam.” He turned to go, then looked back and said, “I swear, Sam, one of these days I’m just gonna up and walk off this place.”
    “Fine, Curley. You do that,” challenged Sam. “But just remember, your bunk will always be here waiting for you.”
    “Aww… how am I ever gonna get out of here…”
    A loud snorting sound erupted next to the barn. They all turned and watched as Blossom trotted over to a bag of chicken feed and tried to open it with her hoof.
    “Curley! Didn’t I tell you to keep that pig penned up?” said Sam, a little anger edging into his voice.
    “Shoot! Sorry, Sam…” Curley hitched up his coveralls and ran toward the pig. “Blossom! Blossom, no! Get away from there!”
    Sam looked at Laura, shrugged, and gave her a What am I gonna do look.
    Laura just smiled. She could see that Sam was really fond of Curley and had taken him under his wing. “So, how about running me up to the Fletcher place?”
    “Love to.”
    “Great,” said Laura. She moved toward her car. “I just have to—”
    “First thing tomorrow morning,” he said, cutting her off.
    “What’s wrong with right now?”
    “It’s too late. That road is bad in the daytime. At night, it’s suicide.”
    What’s this guy playing at? She suddenly thought to herself. Is he working the situation, trying to come onto her? And then, Would that be so bad?
    “You’re kidding… are you sure?”
    “Cross my seedless heart.”
    Laura frowned. “Great.”
    “You’re welcome to stay here tonight.”
    There it was… Mr. Suave. Mister Smooth Operator makes his move . She mashed her lips together, glanced at the house, then issued an equivocal, “Hmm…”
    “Or, I’m sure Tommy and Carla would put you up for the night.”
    Laura sighed. There was no way she was getting back in that car. “I couldn’t face the drive,” she said, dropping her defenses. “Not after today.”
    “Good. Then it’s settled. You can stay here.” Sam plucked a date out of the basket and flipped it to

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