Finding Jess (First Wave)

Free Finding Jess (First Wave) by Mikayla Lane

Book: Finding Jess (First Wave) by Mikayla Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mikayla Lane
    “Father, I have to agree with Reven
on this. I don’t think it’s a good idea when we don’t even know what the hell
is on your chest.” Scaden was getting more worried by the second over the
recent events. As much as he trusted his mate, he wasn’t sure whether or not
Jess could be considered friend or foe at this point.
    “I don’t see where we have a choice
right now. Get me Randor; I need as much information about Banatar as possible.
When I meet with Julou, I want to be able to test whether or not he’s ever met
    “Of course we have a choice! And
this one isn’t the best one to choose either! If you’re set on doing this
though, let me be the one to meet this Julou.” Reven suggested. It was far too
dangerous for their High Councilor to go meet with him. On an unfamiliar
planet, there was no way that he could ensure his safety, and he wasn’t about to
take such a risky chance with his life.
    “No, I must do this. We need him to
get to Banatar and if this is a valid entreaty for an alliance, it would be
better if I were there. Banatar may also have resources on the planet; and
could help us find Balduen. And if he’s been around a lot of these gifted
girls, he may know what this is on my chest. Other survivors could also be with
him. There are many reasons to get to Banatar quickly, my friend.” Ivint tried
to reason with Reven and Scaden. He could understand why they were hesitant to
agree with his plan, but he knew it was the best way to handle it right now.
    “Ivint, I understand the importance
of meeting with this Julou, but I don’t agree with you being the one to meet
him. This could be a trap! All of it! That thing on your chest, this meeting,
her partially cut throat, so she’d live, knowing that we were following them,
their prolonged presence on this planet… what more do you need to convince you
this isn’t a sound course of action?” Reven uttered in exasperation. He knew
Ivint wouldn’t listen once his mind was made up, and it was a waste of his
breath to even try. However, it made him feel a little better to rant.
    Ivint smiled as he watched his childhood
friend as he paced the room and vented his frustration. They were friends, for
as long as they’d been alive and grew up together. Ivint waited until he knew
his friend had finished before continuing.
    “Everything you say could be true.
But I don’t believe it. Don’t ask me how, but I know that this is the right
course of action. The situation has become far different from a simple recovery
of our survivors and their families. I think we are still in the dark regarding
most of this situation and have only scratched the surface of what is truly
going on here.”
    “We have been rolling with the
shock of each discovery and flailing for another grasp on what is going on. We
need to get on top of this and gain some form of control. The only way we can
do that is by getting more information. Anything we can learn from Julou, and
Banatar can only help us.”
    “Jess said he was from planet
Katavai, Reven; I want you to find out everything you can about the planet and
the people if you can. There should be some information on their people
somewhere in our archives, if not see if you can call in a few favors among our
    “Scaden, I want you to take all the
women, except for Jess, to the MedShip. I want them in a better position to be
defended by the rest of the fleet. And don’t fall for your mother’s tricks to
stay here, get her on that ship.” Ivint ordered, his tone making it clear that
he would not tolerate an argument.
    “Father, why don’t we have Amun
take Jess to the planet in a medical transport, so he can continue her
treatment there? I don’t think that we can take a chance that her gift won’t wipe out the systems in another part of the ship. Amun can treat her
remaining injuries on the transport as easily as he can here.” 
    Scaden was still pretty shaken by
what Jess had done in

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