Kinky Space Vixen
you haven’t been here long, Suza, just over three months isn’t it?
But you should know the score well enough by now. If the Emperor
says it must be then I'm afraid that's just the way it is. Why
don't you try and see it as an honour? After all, not every girl in
the kingdom gets to have her ass split in two by the
    Aevie had heard enough. She rose quickly from her cubicle and
marched into the communal area to face them both. “I feel I ought
perhaps to interject at this point,” she said sharply. She walked
up to Suza and put a comforting arm around her shoulder, motioned
for her to sit down on the bench then sat down beside her. “Listen
to me, sweetie,” she said gently. “There’s something you need to
know. You’re a girl, right? And one of the best things about being
a girl is that nobody should ever be able to force you to do
something with your body that you don’t want to do.”
“But he’s the Emperor,” protested Suza.
“I don’t care,” replied Aevie. “It doesn’t matter who he is, it
still isn’t right for him to force you.”
“I don’t see what all the fuss is about,” said Yasimia with a
bemused shrug. “I quite like it in the ass.”
“Yeah? Well in that case you’re just a fucking skank,” snapped
Aevie harshly.

    Aevie led Suza
into her cubicle and sat down on the bed with her, placing a
comforting arm around her. “I am going to have to do it, aren’t I?”
Said Suza resignedly.
“No sweetie,” said Aevie, pulling her close and wrapping her arms
around her. “I’m going to help you. I promise. Are you still
Suza nodded.
“Try not to be,” whispered Aevie, reaching out to stroke her hair.
“I’m going to think of something and I’m not going to let that
fucking jerk hurt you or force you into anything.”

    Aevie stripped
off her clothes and changed into her grey silken night dress that
came down to just above her knee and climbed into bed. “Hey Suza?”
She said with a smile.
“Yes Aevie?”
“Why don’t you go and get your nightdress and climb into bed with
me tonight. I think we could both do with being held, don’t you
Suza’s expression brightened considerably. “Thanks Aevie,” she said
gratefully. “I’d really like that.”
Suza left the cubicle for a moment as Aevie climbed into bed. A
moment later she was back, the night dress showing off her slim
bare legs. “Just stay there for a moment sweetie,” said Aevie
“What is it?” Asked Suza.
“I just want to look at you, that’s all,” replied Aevie.
Suza laughed at this and performed a pirouette around the room,
allowing the hem of her dress to rise up to give a teasing flash of
her bare ass beneath. Aevie pulled back the bed sheets and bade her
climb inside. Once she was next to her Aevie wrapped her arms
around Suza and held her close, enjoying the sensation of her
friend’s bare legs intertwined with her own and the way their
breasts pressed together. “I suppose some good comes of
everything,” said Aevie wistfully. “It has been so long since I’ve
had proper girl time.”
    “I’ve heard
about you,” said Suza. “You were a space pilot weren’t you?”
“A navigator,” replied Aevie. “My boyfriend was always the
“It must have been such fun, being up there amongst the stars.”
    “It was all
such fun up there exploring space with my Joe,” sighed Aevie. “So
light-hearted, like a game.”
“So what is it like out there?” Asked Suza. “In space I mean? And
on all the planets of the Confederation? I’ve barely left the walls
of this city but I’ve seen the starships come and go from the port
and I’ve always wanted to be on one of them.” She sighed.
“Especially now.”
“It’s indescribable,” replied Aevie wistfully. “You know I’d tell
you all about it Suza but what with my current situation down here
I’m afraid I might burst into tears.”
“Oh Aevie,” said Suza sympathetically.

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