His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Free His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Tish Domenick

Book: His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Tish Domenick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tish Domenick
Tags: Romance
the other men came back into the picture.
    Brady sucked her nipples, and Wade sucked on her toes. Hannah couldn’t tell which stimulant sent her over the edge. Her climax seemed to go on forever, like a hundred dynamite explosions set off one after the other. Rocco waited her out before giving his own enjoyment rein and spewing inside the condom within her.
    Exhilarated by the experience, Hannah kissed and fondled each man, thanking them over and over again. Six hands stroked and massaged every part of her until she fell into a near stupor. But she was not ready to sleep, not on a night when she had it all and wanted it to last.
    She sat up, pushing eager hands away. “I am going out on the porch to the stationary tub, and if one of you would be so kind as to heat the buckets of well water you drew up earlier, I intend to wash you and myself and listen to more of Rocco’s ideas about how we can fuck each other.”
    Wade went down first to get things started. Brady lifted Hannah from the bed and carried her downstairs. Rocco grabbed the cream Wade had used on Hannah before entering her ass.
    Brady’s fingers strayed into her pussy as he carried her downstairs. The feeling made her writhe and giggle. He set her on a porch bench. The porch was used to wash down small animals at times and had a drain in the middle. Wade had stoked the fire in the kitchen’s potbelly stove and poured cool water into a huge lead pot.
    When it was warm enough, Hannah scooped some into a basin and made Rocco stand on the drain while she scrubbed his genitals. He used a sponge himself to complete the job. Brady went next.
    Wade was last, and she felt the need to lick his balls and cock after washing them. He played with her breasts while she administered to him. He came rather quickly for having fucked her only minutes ago. Hannah beamed, but her expression changed to shock when Rocco slapped her hard on the ass.
    “You are a dirty woman. You have three clean men before you, and you remain filthy with our semen all over you.” He smacked her again.
    The tingle to her backside was invigorating and made Hannah want more sex. “You are correct. I am frightfully dirty and deserve more spankings.” Wade slapped gently as did Brady, but Rocco found a measuring stick by the door and gave her two wallops with that. Her bottom stung, but her nipples hardened in response. Rocco noticed and pinched them mercilessly.
    “I’d better get clean fast or I’ll be too sore to sit.” Hannah climbed the step her parents had made for her years ago and sat in the steel tub. She enjoyed the pinching and the slaps but wasn’t sure how far Rocco would take things. “It is now your turn, gentlemen, to wash me. Nice warm water, please, and don’t spare the lovely lavender soap Lou Ann made for me.”
    They took turns at her and spent inordinate amounts of time on her ass, breasts, and pussy. By the time they were done, Hannah was so lit up and ready for sex, she was restless to begin again. “Dry me off, and, Rocco, how do we fuck this time?”
    “Gents, bring a few towels to the parlor to protect the chairs and I’ll show you another way we can all satisfy Hannah and have a good time ourselves.”
    He gave curt instructions that the other two men quickly carried out. Hannah, wrapped in a towel, admired the way Rocco took charge, but she noted Brady’s scowl. As Wade assisted in positioning pillows and tilting chairs, Hannah took Brady aside.
    “Be happy for me, please. I really couldn’t give up any one of you.”
    “I don’t trust him. You’ve known Wade and me for years and him for only weeks. He’s too slick.”
    “He’s slick with my pussy juice.” She dropped to her knees and licked his cock. “And so are you.” Brady reached into her towel and squeezed her breasts while she sucked him. Her towel fell away.
    “Stop that, you two,” Rocco called from across the parlor. “We’re all set over here. Come on over so we can join in the

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