Sparks of Blue (Dark Light Book 2)

Free Sparks of Blue (Dark Light Book 2) by Rose Wulf

Book: Sparks of Blue (Dark Light Book 2) by Rose Wulf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Wulf
still was.
    “What does Kai drink?” Gwen asked as they settled at the bar.
    Belle glanced over her shoulder, hoping to get an answer from him, only to find he wasn’t directly behind her. She cast her gaze around the bar, taking in the rapidly filling, dingy atmosphere that she’d blindly walked through in Gwen’s wake. She really was distracted today. People were shaking on the dance floor to an old country tune she didn’t care for; clichéd biker guys appeared to be hogging the pool table, and the booths along the sides of the establishment were about half-full.
    She spotted Kai leaning back in one, the one with the best view of the front entrance, and turned back to Gwen. “Surprise him,” she said. If he’d had a specific craving, he should have said so.
    Gwen ordered herself a dirty martini and promptly ordered Kai a Fallen Angel. Apparently there was such a drink on the menu.
    With the drinks ordered, as well as a platter of nachos, Belle led the way to the booth Kai had claimed. She had to fight her instincts when it came time to decide where to sit, forcing herself to slide in across from him instead of sliding up next to him. She was far less surprised when Gwen slid in after her.
    “At least it’s not the back corner booth,” Gwen declared. She grinned, focused on Kai, and teased, “Actually, I’m surprised you remember how to sit. Do you know how to do other things, too?”
    Kai stretched an arm out along the back of the booth. Belle looked away. She wasn’t supposed to miss him this much. She hadn’t missed him this much a week earlier. It was that stupid kiss. The kiss had rattled her; reminded her heart of things that once were. And once upon a time, she would have been tucked beneath that perfectly sculpted arm. Warm from his nearness. Confident because of his strength and the tenderness he showed her.
    Belle shook her head, trying to chase away the memories. The longing.
    “Belle?” Gwen asked, nudging her shoulder. “You okay?”
    “Yeah,” Belle said, doing her best to smile. “Sorry.”
    “Here we are,” a petite waitress announced as she sidled up to their booth. “One dirty martini—” Gwen indicated herself and the glass was deposited. “One Sex on the Beach.”
    “Here,” Belle said before her drink was handed over. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kai had raised an eyebrow at her choice. She hoped it resonated with him the way it had with her.
    “And you, sir, must have the Fallen Angel,” the waitress deduced with a grin, setting down the final glass. “Those nachos will be right up.”
    After the waitress left Gwen leaned forward with a laugh. “It was either this or Angel’s Kiss. I couldn’t in good conscious order that.”
    You should’ve. But then again, maybe she shouldn’t. It was probably a good thing Belle hadn’t been in charge. She’d have not-so-accidentally ordered herself the Angel’s Kiss and Kai the Sex on the Beach just to send a message. Only the message would probably have come out not the way she wanted it.
    After a few moments of silently sipping at their drinks, Gwen sighed loudly and leaned back into the booth. “C’mon, do neither of you know how to have fun?”
    “He probably doesn’t,” Belle said before she could stop herself. “I’m usually good at fun.”
    Gwen arched a brow at her. “I don’t see it.”
    Belle sighed and spun her sweating glass in her fingers. “I’m a little tired, I think. I’ll probably have to drink this whole thing first.”
    Gwen looked over at Kai, hesitated, and reached to down the rest of her martini. “I won’t even ask,” she said. “When they bring out the nachos, order me a refill. I’m going to dance.” She stood and sauntered away before Belle could think of an argument to stall her.
    “That’s probably a bad idea,” she grumbled before bringing her straw to her lips.
    Kai said nothing, just scanned the dance floor from his seat. He’d barely touched his drink.

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