Master of Deception: Things aren't always what they seem

Free Master of Deception: Things aren't always what they seem by Karoyln Huddleston

Book: Master of Deception: Things aren't always what they seem by Karoyln Huddleston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karoyln Huddleston
    Master of Deception
    Things aren’t always what they seem
    By; Karolyn Kato Huddleston
    Chapter 1
    Alexis (Tristan’s Wife)
    I loved him from the moment I saw him. Tall, dark and handsome, may sound cliché buts it's the truth. I met Tristan at a mall in Detroit and we caught one another’s attention immediately.
    He walked right over to me and introduced himself and the look in his eyes said he was over interested. I smiled and introduced myself, we chatted for a few minutes getting to know each other a little bit. When he finally offered to take me to lunch. So we chose a little place that made great subs and basically ate and just hung out.
    At first it felt like he was trying too hard and I wanted him to know that he didn't have to, because I was truly interested. So I told him a little about me, my daughter and my plans to run my own business, which he was totally impressed with. I shared with him how I enjoyed the simple things in life like chilling in front of the TV watching a good scary movie with lots of snacks and pillows. Or relaxing under my big oak tree outside of my home while reading a great book.
    My idea of happiness is being best friends with my significant other, loving, being loved, and enjoying the person I'm with. He looked at me as I spoke and listened attentively, and I loved that. It’s not often I meet a fine ass man that listens, and responds with interesting points of his own. As he and I sat there conversing I was definitely turned on by his intellect...and it didn't make it any easier that he smelled so good. He was the one for me and I knew it then without any doubt and I've loved him ever since that day five years ago. However I will admit that though our relationship isn't perfect. I am very happy and comfortable with my husband.
    Yes ladies, he married me and made me an honest woman. And I appreciate him for being different from most men that I’ve dated. He values our union and works very hard to take care of us. I love him with everything inside of me and I know he loves me to. Though there are times when I wonder if he has ever wondered into the arms of another woman. I just wondered because, first of all no one’s perfect, he’s fine and very successful. He’s the CEO of his own clothing line called T- Ware Inc., which has definitely taken off these last few years. And just lately he’s been producing some really great musical groups that have taken off. So his name and reputation is good and known.
    I trust my lover, my friend, my husband. He is the king of our castle and he is the king of me, and did I mention he got some of the best sex I've ever had. He can take me to the moon and back. But lately he’s busy all the time, and yes it does affect me. But I try to be calm because I love him with all that's in me and nothing will ever change that.
    My home girl Kandi thinks I’m too over the top about my love for him. But I try to let her know that I didn’t choose him, my heart did. And he did the rest. Just the fact that he listens to me and will move heaven and earth to make me smile speaks volumes to my soul. I can take care of myself and always have. But Tristan just wants me to be happy, we even have a date night. Every week we do something special and it keeps the spark alive between us. The fire is definitely still in our hearts and minds.
    We also have one daughter, from my previous yet stormy relationship that ended abruptly. And he loves her like she’s his blood daughter and always has from the very start. He adopted her as soon as we were married and they’ve been tight ever since. Her name is Ronisha, but we call her Ronnie for short. I named her after her biological father Ron but he left us long before Ronnie was born. Last I heard he was locked up, so my baby never knew what fatherly love was like until Tristan. And that means the world to me and

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