The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1
too smart for
Alona. Before changing into her weaker human form, Queen Privlana
cast a spell that the Dragon scale over her heart. The spell joined
the scale with the Blood Key to be worn by the champion when they
came to Walandra to battle the evil Alona.”
    “You mean to say this very plate I wear is
from the Queen? Roupert had said it, but I didn’t honestly believe
him.” Cassy’s eyes were wide with surprise.
    “Yes, my child. That is why you must have
faith in yourself. The scale that covers a Dragon’s heart has
magical qualities, and it would never come to someone not worthy.
You have two powerful articles that have chosen you for
a n important task.”
    “Okay, but what is that task. What am I
supposed to do?”
    “You need to return the Breast Plate to
Queen Privlana with the Blood Key. Once the Breast Plate is returned , the curse will be broken
and Alona will be destroyed.”
    Cassy suddenly felt a knot tighten in her
stomach. “Okay, so let me see if I understand this completely. I
need to go to the castle and somehow make my way to the dungeon.
Then once I’m there, I must return the Breast Plate with the Blood
Key to Queen Privlana without the Evil Queen stopping me. Sure,
that doesn’t sound like a problem at all.”
    “Do not question your abilities, Cassandra.
I have faith that you will fulfill your destiny.”
    “I don’t understand something. When Aaron
and I first appeared to Frier, he mentioned that he believed that I
was Abigail, returning to complete her quest. What happened? Why
didn’t she beat Alona when she was here?”
    Arianna closed her eyes, remembering that
dreadful day.
    “Abigail was actually brave and she fought well against the Evil Queen
Alona, only she made the mistake of trusting someone who was not
pure of heart.”
    “I don’t understand. Who did she put her
trust in?”
    “I blame myself for not warning her, but he
was cunning and convinced her that she must battle the Queen alone. ” The look of sadness in
Arianna’s eyes told Cassy it was a painful memory and one she
wanted to prevent happening again.
    “What happened?”
    “He led her into a trap. Abigail had no way
of knowing that several of Alona guards lay in wait to attack when
she entered the dungeon holding our Queen. She fought bravely, but
she was no match for the guards.”
    “Oh no,” Cassy cried out.
    Arianna saw the fear in Cassy’s eyes as she
continued. “They had her trapped against a wall and were about to
strike her down when the Blood Key began to glow a fiery red. Queen
Privlana had fought against her chains trying to help Abigail, but
she was helpless to save her. Then just as one of the guards moved
in to strike Abigail down, she vanished.”
    Cassy sat up straight, her eyes wild with
fear. “Oh my, what happened to
her? Is that when she was returned home?”
    “Yes, the Blood Key returned her to her
realm. You see, the spell that Queen Privlana had originally cast
protected Abigail from death, as the Blood Key and sacred Breast
Plate will do for you. This is why you must return it to our Queen.
If Abigail were to have died at the hands of Alona’s guards, Alona
would have gotten the power of the Blood Key as her own.”
    Cassy ran her finger across the Blood Key,
feeling its warmth.
    “Is it the drop of the King’s blood that
gives it its power?” Cassy asked.
    “Yes, King Ashlym was very powerful. There
was no stronger magic in all of our realm. That is why Alona wanted
to possess its power by forcing it inside of the Blood Stone.”
    “I still don’t know if I can beat the Evil
Queen, but I will do my best,” Cassy said, trying to muster the
courage she knew she would need to face this quest.
    Arianna whispered softly. “That is all we
can ask of you. Come, you need your rest for tomorrow will be a
strenuous day.”
    Arianna spread her wings then flew up and
gently touched Cassy on the forehead. “This will help you
    “Thank you. Goodnight,” Cassy

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