Mistress for Hire

Free Mistress for Hire by Letty James

Book: Mistress for Hire by Letty James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Letty James
dinner. I don’t believe I thanked you properly.” Oh, shoot. That didn’t come out right.
    “Here’s your opportunity.” His gaze skimmed over her body as if her robe was invisible.
    Nikki stood her ground, refusing to be intimidated, although she was embarrassed down to her well-massaged pinkie toe. She owed him an apology for being totally unprofessional. But then, come to think of it, he owed her one, too. Somehow she didn’t think it was going to happen.
    Gérard gestured to the couch with his chin. “I thought it best to continue our discussion when we were both sober. Sit down.”
    Nikki bristled at his autocratic attitude.
    He set the tray on the coffee table and ran his hand through his hair, unintentionally mussing it, making him look human. “Please?”
    The uncertain please convinced her. She sat, pulling the hem of the robe closed over her knees. He poured what she’d first thought would be coffee and turned out to be the most luscious hot chocolate she’d ever had.
    “Oh, my God! This is wonderful.” She could get used to this.
    “I’ll tell Jean-Luc you said so.”
    She bit into the buttery pastry and nearly moaned. No jam needed. “Tell him he makes an excellent croissant, too.”
    He gave her a tight smile. “I only employ the best. Now, I have some stipulations regarding your job.”
    The flaky layers turned to dust in her mouth. She didn’t want to be fired. That would be humiliating after only one day. Of course she’d gone way beyond the professional boundary. But then, so had he.
    Nikki jumped up, conscious again of her nakedness under the robe. “Look, I’m sorry about last night. I’ll find another place to live.”
    “Don’t be ridiculous. You signed a contract.” He sat down and poured himself a cup of chocolate and picked up a croissant. Settling back onto the cushions, he took a bite, eying her as he chewed.
    Nikki pushed her glasses up her nose, only to realize they weren’t there. Feeling foolish, she kept her hand there, closing her eyes as if she had a headache. She didn’t have one anymore. The chemistry of either the chocolate or Gérard had cured it. She would like to bet it was the chocolate, but she wasn’t a gambling woman.
    “In America, we have three days to cancel a contract.” Nikki peered between her fingers.
    “Then it’s a good thing this is France.” His smile didn’t reach his eyes as he stared at her. He ignored Joan Jett as she licked the crumbs off his fingers, keeping his gaze on Nikki. “I expect you to keep your word, Mademoiselle Sommers.”
    So they were back to formal address, were they? Maybe this was Monsieur Formidable’s way of apologizing—by resetting the employee/employer boundary. But then she would probably become just like the cat, subsisting on crumbs. Crumbs of affection thrown her way. Why did that bother her? This was her boss, for heaven’s sake. She didn’t need an affair to muddle up her future career plans. Nikki sat down again on the edge of the chair, her knees primly pressed together. “I always keep my word, Monsieur . Just as I expect you to keep yours.”
    Gérard, Monsieur Beauvais , nodded and wiped his hands with a linen napkin. “As you know, the contract stipulates any communication within the scope of your work will remain private and be available to my scrutiny at all times. I wanted to make sure you understood that means any word from your sister regarding my company is to be reported to me.”
    Bells and whistles went off in her head, along with waving red flags. “What did Jessica do?”
    “It’s more of what she hasn’t done at this point.”
    “What do you mean?”
    He shrugged and stood up. “It’s imperative I talk with her if she contacts you. Understood?”
    She stood, her arms crossed over her chest, trying to hold herself safe from what she might hear. “Did you have an affair with my sister?”
    Gérard frowned. “Of course not.” He stepped closer, one side of his mouth quirking

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