Best Friend's Brother #3 (Best Friend's Brother Romance Series - Book #3)

Free Best Friend's Brother #3 (Best Friend's Brother Romance Series - Book #3) by Alycia Taylor

Book: Best Friend's Brother #3 (Best Friend's Brother Romance Series - Book #3) by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
and took a piece of my neck into his mouth. He
was sucking on it while we fucked hard and fast and just before he was ready to
cum inside of me for the first time, he bit down hard and then we both cried
out. The neighbors were getting an audio show tonight.  
    He held me again until we could both stand on our
own legs and then he took the soap and washed himself up. He shampooed his hair
quickly and then rinsed off. He slipped an arm around my waist and kissed me
deeply and then said, “Take as long as you need. I’ll leave the towels and a T-shirt
on the counter for you.”
    “Thank you.”
    “Thank you…you are something.”
    He stepped out and when he was gone I stood under
the water with both of my hands pressed against the wall and my head down for a
long time. I was exhausted, but it was exhaustion of the very best kind.
    After I dried off and dressed in his long T-shirt
and a pair of really big shorts he left out for me, I brushed my wet hair and
used his toothpaste and my finger to clean my teeth. I was a mess, but a happy
one. I found him in the kitchen, devouring another slice of pizza. He had his
mouth full when I walked over, but he handed me one on a plate.
    “I can’t believe I’m hungry enough to eat more, but
I am. I was stuffed earlier.”
    “You worked out, twice,” he said with a smile. “Now
you have to replace all those calories you burned.”
    “True. Maybe we should do that every day and I
wouldn’t have to run. I don’t like running.”
    Ian took a big bite of pizza and after he chewed and
swallowed it he said, “You can come by the gym sometime and I’ll show you some
of my workouts.”
    “Yeah, really,” he said. “Why do you say it like
    “I don’t know. The gym is like your thing. Your
private sanctum…”
    He shook his head at me and said, “You’re funny. But yes, really. It is my “inner sanctum” when I’m doing my
workouts. I get really intense and grumpy. But, I mean I can take you sometime
just for you and I to work out together.”
    “I’d like that,” I told him. I felt like that was a
huge deal because the gym was such a huge deal to him. I took another bite of
my pizza and realized he was staring at me. I was self-conscious with wet hair
and no make-up and shorts that I had to tie down. “Stop staring at me. I’m a
    He stepped closer and put his lips right over mine
and said, “You’re the hottest mess I’ve ever seen.” He gave me a soft kiss and
said, “I have to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.” He started down the
hall and there was a knock on the front door. “Can you get that for me?”
    I looked down at myself again. I looked like a
clown. Oh well, I thought with a smile, Ian said I was a “hot-mess.” I was
still smiling when I pulled open the door. It faded fast. There was a woman
standing there. She was tall and slim except for some massive tits that seemed
to be pointing straight at me. She had long brown hair and it as well as her
makeup and her clothes were perfect. He ran her eyes over me and with a cocked
eyebrow she said, “Where is Ian?”
    “In the restroom,” I said, before she pushed past me
and breezed in smelling like two hundred dollar an ounce perfume. “I’m sorry,
who are you?” I didn’t close the door just in case I need to shove her bodily
    I was pretty sure already who she was before she
said, “Kristie, Ian’s girlfriend. Who are you?”
    “Alexa.” I didn’t add, “The woman he just fucked,” but I wanted to.
    She smirked and said, “Oh God please tell me he’s
not this desperate. It looks like I got here just in time.”
    “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
    “Oh come on, look at you. You’re not good enough for
him. It’s so obvious. If he fucked you honey it’s just because he and I have
been having a few problems. We always work them out and end up back together
though, so don’t get your hopes up.”
    “Who the hell do

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