The Greek's Stolen Bride

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Book: The Greek's Stolen Bride by Kate Hewitt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hewitt
even seen one before, you know, besides on a statue. A penis."
    "Fascinating." His voice was a throb as he tangled his hands in her hair and pulled her up to him to kiss her deeply, a demand and a plea. Ariana responded in kind, breathless with need, barely aware of him unzipping her dress and sliding it off her shoulders. "Beautiful," he murmured as his hands came up to cup her breasts, his thumbs stroking over her nipples under Ariana shuddered. Then he undid the clasp of her bra and tossed the garment aside. "Now we're getting somewhere," he said and she let out a breathless laugh.
    "So we are." She gazed at him, taking in every perfect muscle and sinew, his skin bronzed and satiny, everything about him proud and strong.
    "Seen enough?" Theo teased softly and she smiled, unashamed.
    "Almost," she said and pushed his trousers off his legs, the hair on his thighs crisp under her seeking hands. His boxer shorts followed, and Theo kicked them off so he was gloriously naked.
    "I haven't seen quite enough of you," he told her and gently pushed her back onto the bed. Ariana lay against the pillows wearing only a pair of lace panties. Theo stretched out on top of her, bracing himself on his forearms. He slid one hand from her knee to her thigh and then higher still, his thumb stroking over the silk of her underwear. Ariana gasped at the exquisite sensitivity of his touch and her own response. Theo growled with primal satisfaction and his fingers slid underneath her panties, his thumb stroking surely and deftly as Ariana arched off the bed, crying aloud at the shocking intensity of his knowing caress.
    " Theo ..."
    "You feel so good," he murmured, his strokes surer and deeper and Ariana let out a choked gasp.
    " You feel so good," she said and her she clutched at him as he slid his finger inside her. She'd always expected the invasion of her body to feel like that--an invasion. An attack. Yet Theo's sure and gentle caresses felt instead like an invitation. A wondrous joining and she arched against him and cried out again as the pleasure overtook her.
    "It's so much --"
    "Let yourself," Theo murmured and he kissed her deeply, the action of both his tongue and hands sending her over the edge into an abyss of pleasure, so she felt as if she were falling and falling--until Theo caught her.
    His arms came around her and his mouth moved on hers as he slid slowly inside her, with no pain or discomfort at all. He filled her right up to completion. Now she understood the poems and love songs, the sappy movies and lurid-covered books. This . This was why; this was what everyone whispered and wondered about, wanted and knew .
    She knew him. He knew her. Completely. Utterly. Wonderfully.
    "Theo--" she gasped, and felt tears of both wonder and joy slip down her cheek. "I'm not sad," she told him quickly, gasping again as he moved inside her and the pleasure started to build once more. "I'm happy."
    "I know," Theo said softly as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I know, because I am too."
    Much later Theo lay with Ariana curled into him, her hair spread like dark silk across his chest. He'd had many lovers, but he'd never before felt so replete, so satisfied. So happy, just as he'd told her.
    She twined one leg with his and gazed up at him with sleepy eyes. "Is it always like that?"
    He laughed and drew her closer. "No, definitely not."
    "Will it always be like that with us, do you think?" she asked, and in the ensuing silence he felt her tense. The question had revealed too much.
    Always. With us . But there was no always, and there wasn't even really an us. Not a real one. Yet.
    He'd thought earlier to make this marriage real. He wanted Ariana more than anyone he'd ever met, enjoyed her company and admired her courage. And yet...
    And yet he was scared. That was the emotion he was feeling now, Theo silently acknowledged, pure, raw fear. Fear of letting himself feel anything for someone. For Ariana. Fear too that she would hurt him, hate

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