The Greek's Stolen Bride

Free The Greek's Stolen Bride by Kate Hewitt

Book: The Greek's Stolen Bride by Kate Hewitt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hewitt
    Her breath hitched. "What are you saying, Theo?"
    He touched her cheek with the tips of his fingers, slid his hand through her hair. "I'm saying we are married now. You are my wife and I am your husband. That means something."
    She nodded, afraid now to ask just what it meant. Afraid to break this moment that had sprung unbidden between them, tender, fleeting, and sweet.
    "You agree?" Theo asked softly as his fingers wrapped around her head and drew her inexorably closer.
    "Yes..." The single word ended on a sigh of surrender. Her breasts brushed his chest and she let her head fall back, her lips parting in sweet expectation.
    She was not disappointed. He kissed her softly, his other hand coming up to her waist to draw her even closer. She felt the hard evidence of his arousal pressing against her belly and excitement--as well as nervousness--leaped within her. This was all so new, so strange. So wonderful.
    Theo deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping inside her mouth as he brought his arms more firmly around him. The ivy crown fluttered from her fingers as she brought her own arms up to wrap around him, reveling in the exquisite hardness of his chest, his powerful body pressed so achingly close to hers.
    "Let's go inside," he murmured against her mouth, and threading his fingers with her own he led her inside the villa and upstairs to his bedroom.
    She paused on the threshold, taking in the king-sized bed with its navy satin duvet, the crisp white pillows. The windows' shutters were open to the sea, a light breeze ruffling the curtains.
    Theo turned to her. "Ariana? Are you afraid?"
    "Yes... a little."
    "I understand, but you don't need to be."
    She felt her heart begin to thud, because maybe she did need to be. Sex with Theo might change everything. She might not be able to keep herself emotionally distant--safe--if she gave him her body. Herself.
    Yet even as these thoughts tumbled through her mind she knew it was already too late. She already cared for him. Maybe even loved him. And she wanted this... so very, very much.
    "I want you to make love to me, Theo. With me." Her voice trembled only a little.
    Theo gazed at her seriously. "You're sure?"
    "Then come here, kardia mou ." He held out his arms, and on wobbly legs she walked towards him. His arms closed around her and he pressed a soft kiss to the curve of her neck, making her shiver.
    Smiling against her skin he slid the strap of her sundress down her arm and kissed her neck again, his tongue and teeth nuzzling and nipping her. Sensation shot through her, weakened her at the knees and everywhere else, for she sagged against him and still smiling Theo laid her tenderly on the bed.
    She looked up at him with dazed eyes as he unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off, revealing the broad expanse of muscled chest she'd been so fascinated with the day before last. Had they really only known each other for two days? It felt like a lifetime.
    His hands rested on his belt buckle. "Maybe you should do this part."
    "Me?" A thrill ran through her.
    "I'd like," Theo said, his voice a low rumble, "for you to touch me."
    And she wanted to touch him. She swallowed and rose to her knees. "All right." Her hands shook as she undid his belt, her fingers brushing the hard thrust of his erection. Letting out a shaky breath, she tossed the belt to the floor and glanced up at him.
    "Button next," he said huskily. "Zipper."
    He was just as affected as she was, Ariana realized with a thrill of both desire and power. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.
    Stronger now, her fingers sure, she undid the button of his trousers and then slowly, tantalizingly pulled the zipper down so his erection sprang gloriously free from his boxer shorts.
    She glanced up at him from underneath her lashes, heady with power, dazed with desire. "Well."
    "Well, indeed," he growled and curiously she ran one fingertip along that proud length. Theo shuddered. "Ariana..."
    "I've never

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