Silver Spoon
and delighted her. Her heart buoyed at his actions, sending a surge of hope and relief coursing through her. After the awkwardness of their last time together, she truly hadn't known what to expect. A dozen times she'd wanted to call, to reassure herself that things between them would be fine, they'd just stumbled over a mere speed bump in their budding relationship, a reminder to her that haste makes waste.
    Together, they set out the food, each grabbing a Styrofoam box along with a bottled soda he'd also thoughtfully brought along. Digging in, she savored the pasta with meat sauce along with the company on such a pretty day.
    A sudden thought struck as she checked her watch. "I'm going to have to hurry. I still need to get home and let Achilles out."
    "I'll do it." He sucked a long string of spaghetti into his mouth.
    Blinking, she considered his offer. It would be nice to relax and soak up the atmosphere for her entire lunch hour without having to race off to her nearby apartment, walk Achilles, and return to work in the nick of time. On the other hand, that meant giving Spoon her key. Not that she didn't trust him but handing over an apartment key seemed so… formal. Unsure, she worried her bottom lip, still debating the offer.
    His gaze raked her face, staring for a long moment. "I'll bring it right back. Promise. Just let the dog do his business, then return the key to you at the gym."
    She released a sigh as he seemed to understand her concerns and hesitation. Searching his face, she found no hint of anger or frustration, just lazy contentment and a truthful vow.
    "Are you sure it's not too much trouble?"
    He shook his head. "Not at all. I'm off today, just running a few errands. Besides, I figured on working out after lunch anyway."
    Her lips turned up. "Thank you." Digging through her purse, she found her keys, pulled them out, and dropped them into his upturned palm. "To be honest, I'm enjoying myself too much to hurry through and dash off."
    "Good." Spoon took a long drink, studying her carefully.
    Squirming under his intense gaze, she tossed out the first topic that came to mind. "So, tell me what your faults are."
    He snorted, an amused grin slowly creasing his face. "I thought the purpose of dating was to present your best side?"
    Riley shrugged. "Probably, but I think it's good to see the good with the bad, mix them together, and see what you come up with."
    "Sounds like a science experiment to me."
    "Maybe it is." She flashed him a wicked smile. "Come on. Fess up. What are your faults?"
    Stabbing a small meatball, he dropped it in his mouth and chewed. "Stubbornness is a given." He took another bite. "I've been told I'm domineering and a slave driver." He thought a long moment longer. "That's about all I can come up with on the spot, although I'm sure there are more."
    She took a sip of her soda.
    "Your turn." He gestured her direction.
    Chasing a stray noodle around her plate, she hem-hawed for a moment. "I'll also claim stubbornness. Willful at times, too, so I've been told. Oh, and I am not a morning person. Make me get up before the sun rises and I can be pretty cranky for a while."
    The corners of his mouth turned up. "I'm not sure that's a fault. If so, there are millions of other people in this country that share it."
    "Hmm. What else? I can be wishy-washy."
    Spoon nodded, taking the last bite of his meal. "That's not always bad. Think of all the impulsive buys you don't make."
    "True. I'm also fairly frugal. No sense in spending money on items you already have just because they're a different color or style."
    He clutched his chest dramatically. "A woman after my own heart."
    A chuckle escaped. "That's good to know. We can be frugal together." She wiped her mouth with the provided napkin, slurped down the last of her drink, then bundled all her trash together.
    Spoon did the same, plucking hers off the table, and headed to the nearby trash can to dispose of their containers.
    Checking the time, she

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