The Sanctuary (A Spencer Novel)

Free The Sanctuary (A Spencer Novel) by Sandra Lea Rice

Book: The Sanctuary (A Spencer Novel) by Sandra Lea Rice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Lea Rice
began to examine Clairece, everyone else all but forgotten.
    “What are you thinking?” Phillip asked, once they reached the study.
    “It was no accident, not with both Clairece and the mare wounded.” Anthony dropped into a chair. “But I do believe someone wanted it to appear like one.”
    Phillip began pacing. “Why would someone do such a thing?”
    Anthony could understand his frustration, but Phillip had no idea what Clairece’s true purpose was for being in England. Someone did, and that someone wanted her stopped.
    After what seemed an eternity, Dr. Farris stood at the door and peered in. “She’s received a nasty blow to the side of her head. A little more to the left and it could have killed her. Did she take a fall?”
    “No,” Anthony stated. “Why?”
    Farris frowned. “I found traces of dirt in the wound.”
    “In your opinion, could the blow have been caused by a small rock, the kind normally used in a slingshot?”
    Both James and Phillip gaped at Anthony as he made the query.
    “The contusion is the right size.” Dr. Ferris’ eyes narrowed. “If you’re suggesting what I think you are, would you like me to send a constable around?”
    Anthony shook his head. “We would prefer to handle this ourselves.”
    “I’m aware of your connection with Scotland Yard, Harding, so I’ll leave it up to you. Summon me should you require my assistance in any way.”
    “Is Mrs. Griffin awake?” Anthony asked.
    “Not yet, but she should come around soon.” Farris snapped his black case shut. “She’ll have a devil of a headache when she does.”
    James stepped forward. “Is there anything we can do for her?”
    “Just rest and quiet for a few days should be all that’s needed. I’ve left a tisane laced with a touch of laudanum on the bedside table for the pain.”
    “Can she be moved?” James asked.
    Farris shot a sideways glance at Anthony. “I would advise against it.” He hesitated. “A nurse has recently come available. I’ll send her over if you’d like.”
    “Thank you,” James replied, clearly unhappy with the situation.
    “Hodges will see you out.” Anthony nodded toward his loyal retainer, who bowed and led the way out of the study, closing the door behind Farris.
    Anthony indicated James and Phillip should sit before he stepped behind his desk.
    “I suggest we keep this among ourselves. Only a few people were aware Clairece was even in England. That should narrow our list of suspects and make it easier to find whoever’s responsible.”
    “Outside of us, who would know?” Phillip sank into a nearby chair.
    “The servants at both houses, at least,” Anthony supplied. “I realize you’re not comfortable with her staying in my home. However, you must admit Inniswood is the last place someone would look.”
    James sighed. “I can see the reasoning in what you say, but Ree is still under my protection. We must also consider her reputation.”
    “You’re both welcome to reside here if it would make the situation more palatable,” Anthony offered.
    James shook his head. “A nurse in attendance should suffice. As you say, the most important thing is Ree’s safety. What can I do?”
    Anthony lowered his voice. “Dispatch a footman to her home. Tell them she’s staying with you for a short while and have a few items packed. Make certain the man remains in plain sight and is wearing your livery. Take the clothing directly to your home in the event someone is watching. I’ll send a maid to Bond Street to purchase whatever she’ll need.” He pulled a fob watch from his waistcoat pocket and flipped the lid open. “We can discuss the situation further over dinner.”
    Phillip rubbed his hands together. “What a capital idea. We’ll make plans to capture the blackguard.” His eyes sparkled with youthful exuberance.
    “Capital idea or not, you’re due back at Oxford in a week. I’m not telling your father you’ve missed a session,” James retorted, making stern

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