A Study in Temperance (The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance Book 4)

Free A Study in Temperance (The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance Book 4) by Ichabod Temperance

Book: A Study in Temperance (The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance Book 4) by Ichabod Temperance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ichabod Temperance
to indicate the powdered boot prints. He then mimics with his first two digits, the act of walking into the room. He then reverses the direction of his hand and fingers, shaking his head in a negative manner to indicate that there are no prints leading back out. The inference is that though we hear no noise from within, we must assume that we are entering a den of deadly killers.
    With just a quick glance between them to confirm their actions, Mr. Temperance and our tall detective together ram their shoulders into the door and force the lock through the door frame, allowing a speedy entrance to the room.
    “I fear our arrival is a bit tardy, Mister H...”
    “Yes, I was afraid we would lose the scoundrels,” the deprived detective interrupts me in his disappointment. “Though we shall make the most of it and glean what information that we can. I suspect the rogues have had this place laid aside as a possible route of escape, as they evidently had a key for entrance. I doubt we will gain any useful information from the proprietor as they most likely used a confederate in its acquisition.” ~sniff.~ “Clothing has recently been burned in here. The fire place is smoldering! I must smother the fire yet do it with care so that we may still learn what they would hide through incineration.”
    “Do you find anything of interest, eh hem?”
    “Yes, Madam, for here are the charred remains of our villains’ imaginative costumes. They have, tragically, burned away most of their colourful togges in an attempt to cover their tracks. Eureka, an envelope! It is only a trifle scorched on one side, and otherwise undamaged, a very common, though commercial grade and brand of envelope. This variety is often favored by independent entrepreneurs. It has no address nor any other writing upon it suggesting a hand delivery or pick-up. Let us see what it possesses. How very interesting! Why, it’s a photograph of our Madame, no less, and a very recent picture I would venture, as it is the same dress you wear at this time. It is coupled with a British Museum brochure. One reproduction contained therein is heavily outlined in a bold black line. The pencil used was very likely an UberWeber 8B Manager’s Special Double Wide Soft Graphite, if I am not mistaken. And I must comment that you bear a striking resemblance to the ancient Pharaoh queen designated in the brochure. The photograph goes a long way in bearing that out as the photographer has gone to some effort in catching you with the same pose and stern facial expression.”
    “Why, that there must be the photograph that enterprising young freelance photographer Parker Peters took, Miss Plumtartt.”
    “May I see the photograph please, eh hem? Yes, my word, it is a little unnerving to see the uncanny resemblance between myself and this, let’s see, whom is this woman purported to be? Ah, yes, a ‘Queen Nefertatas’.”
    “May I have that picture please, Ma’am?!”
    Ichabod’s face is brightly joyful for a moment before flushing from bottom to top with a burgundy blush. He drops his eyes and modestly looks away. Clasping his hands behind his back, my shy boy traces circles with his toe.
    “I don’t have no photograph of you, Miss Plumtartt, Ma’am. If I had that, I would always look to it as my own one and only true love. To me, you are always ‘ the Woman’, Miss Plumtartt.”
    “Of course you may keep the photograph, Mr. Temperance. I am so happy that my image brings you joy. I thrill to be the object of your adoration dear boy. Your bashful face is, inexplicably, irresistible to me.”
    ~squeal!~ “Gee whiz, thanks, Miss Plumtartt!”
    “Oh, my little hero, I find myself compelled to lightly prance over and place an appreciatory kiss upon your  beaming cheek.”
    “Golly, that’s swell, Miss Plumtartt, but we need to keep our minds on more pressing matters than our shameless romanticizing.”
    “Of course, Mr. Temperance. It would seem our ashe shifting detective has

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