Behind the Gates

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Book: Behind the Gates by Eva Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva Gray
Tags: Itzy,
    “Yeah, definitely,” I affirm.
    “You have to know how to manage people,” Rosie says. “That’s a survival skill, too. It’s probably the most important one of all. If you don’t get to the inside of a group right away, you could find yourself on the outside, like …” Her voice trails off.
    “Like who?” I press. The moment I speak I know the answer. She was about to say,
like Evelyn and Maddie.
    “Like nobody,” Rosie covers quickly. “I was just saying … it could happen to a person.”
    When we get to the suite, both Maddie and Evelyn are in their separate rooms reading. Rosie and I chat a little more in the main room and then go to our rooms at about seven forty-five.
    Maddie puts her book down when I enter. “What did you do today?” she asks.
    “Nothing, just hung with Rosie and her friends,” I answer as I take my nightshirt from the drawer. I am about to tell her about what happened with the boys across the lake, but think better of it. I don’t want her to make some sour comment that will ruin it for me. “What did you do?” I ask instead.
    “Not much. I think we figured out where we are, though — right smack on the Canadian border in Minnesota,” she says.
    “That means that winters here are going to be hard,” I note.
    “Not only that,” Maddie says, getting up onto her elbow. “Evelyn says that the Alliance is very strong in Canada. Alliance groups have gotten into every sector of the Canadian government.”
    “That’s Canada’s problem,” I say, slipping the nightshirt over my head. I’ll take a shower in the morning, I decide. I’m just suddenly exhausted. Early kitchen duty is really tiring me out.
    “Yeah, but we’re right on the
Maddie says again.
    “Don’t let Evelyn get to you,” I say, enjoying the soft comfort of my bunk.
    “Doesn’t that concern you even a little?” Maddie asks. Judging from her agitated tone, I can tell it obviously concerns
    “No, not at all,” I state, yawning. “Sorry; I have to sleep. I can’t talk about this for another minute. Good night.”
    I don’t know if Maddie answers me or not because my eyes slide shut and I’m instantly asleep, already dreaming of Monday, eager for the new day to begin.
    Monday after breakfast Mrs. Brewster tells all of us to stay for her big announcement: our first overnight trip will be this upcoming weekend!
    Rosie and I squeal with excitement, hugging each other. “Do you feel ready for this?” I ask.
    “I do. I think so. Yes,” Rosie replies.
    “Me, too,” I say, though I’m not really so sure. We’ve been training for this all week. And it’s not like I have to know all the outdoor things. We all have our areas ofskill and we’ll have to work together as a team, I imagine.
    I run into Evelyn and Maddie on my way to English class. “So? Are you guys psyched for the overnight?” I ask eagerly.
    “Oh, yeah, way psyched,” Maddie replies in a sarcastically dull monotone.
    I sigh, but otherwise I ignore her remark.
    “It could be interesting,” Evelyn allows. “But get this, when I was on rounds last night I heard some of the teachers talking. This trip is happening earlier than was originally planned. The staff moved it forward because they’re worried about bad weather sooner than expected.”
    “Okay. So?” I say. “I don’t see the big deal.”
    “Think!” Evelyn scolds. “They
know the weather.”
    “Which means what?” I ask.
    “Which means they obviously have a radio or TV or something, somewhere in this place,” Evelyn says knowingly.
    “Unless they have a psychic on staff,” Maddie jokes. “A Canadian weather psychic.”
    Evelyn laughs. “Oh, that’s funny! The Alliance ESP Division!”
    Suddenly I remember about the Canadian food. “I’ve been meaning to mention something to you, Evelyn,” I begin. “You asked me to keep my eyes open in the kitchen, remember?”
    “Uh-huh,” Evelyn agrees, still laughing.
    “Well, the only

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