Wild Bride

Free Wild Bride by Jill Sanders

Book: Wild Bride by Jill Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Western
his hip and smiled. “Frogs?” He laughed.
    “Yes, well, it seems your daughter has a thing for the Princess and the Frog.” She frowned a little.
    “She does, does she?” He laughed.
    She’d hated doing it, but painting her daughter’s room a light shade of green seemed to make Maggie happy. Every time she would hold up the pink swatch of paint in front of her daughter’s face, she would reach for the green instead. When Savannah would hold up a picture of Cinderella, Savannah’s favorite character, Maggie would cry and reach for the Princess and the Frog one instead.
    There were two large wall stickers of frogs on the wall next to her crib and a frog mobile that hung over her daughter and played sweet chimes as she slept.
    “I like it.” He smiled. “If it makes my girls happy.” He walked over and sat Maggie down on the floor and then sat next to her and handed her a stuffed frog. “I can’t believe how big she is.” He looked up at Savannah and smiled. “And how little you are.” His eyes raked over her and she felt a wave of heat flood her entire body. “You look good.” He stood up and started walking towards her. “Real good.”
    His hands grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him. It had been so long since someone had touched her. Too long. She couldn’t stop herself from melting into his arms.
    He smiled down at her and she realized he did look taller. Her neck craned as she looked up at him. Then he dipped his head and his lips touched hers lightly.
    The kiss was different than the one he’d given to her on the street. It was different than any kiss he’d given her before.
    They were adults. Her mind zeroed in on the thought. Everything else they’d done prior to this, they’d done as children. For the first time in her life, she felt like a real woman. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she pulled him closer, feeling her body heat next to his.
    Then her cell phone rang and she jerked back. “Oh,” she said, looking down at the screen. “I almost forgot.” She pushed her hair away from her eyes. “We’re going to be late for your surprise.” She smiled and walked over to pick up Maggie.
    He groaned. “Can’t you just give me my surprise here?” he asked, reaching for her. She laughed and pulled away.

    Billy tried to keep his mind on anything other than how sexy Savannah looked walking next to him. Even as he held his daughter in his arms, his eyes kept rushing back to her body. She was wearing tight black leggings with a long flowing gray shirt. She had on sexy gray ankle boots, which made her legs look even longer than he remembered. He felt a bead of sweat drip down between his shoulder blades. He doubted it had anything to do with the almost ninety-degree weather they were having.
    He kept wondering what she was wearing underneath, but then his mind would snap to the fact that they were walking down the street in the middle of town.
    “Here we are.” She smiled and nodded towards the coffee shop. Holly’s sat right on the corner across from Mama’s diner, the only place in town to get a good meal. He hadn’t been in Holly’s since they’d remodeled a few months back, but he’d heard that the place was a huge success. He’s also heard that Travis and Holly were now engaged.
    “What are we doing here?” He reached out and took her hand in his to stop her.
    She looked up at him and smiled. “You’ll see.”
    As he looked down at her face, he realized how much she’d changed. She’d lost all the weight she’d gained when she was pregnant. Actually, it looked like she’d gone even farther down in size and he frowned a little at seeing just how skinny she really was.
    She’d cut her hair a little shorter than the last time he’d seen her, and she’d colored it a little darker. He liked the style and the color more than her former bleach blonde locks. The style made her look more mature, more feminine.
    “Savvy,” he whispered, “I’d rather take you

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