Baby Love Lite
“Tylar, I love you so much,” he breathed, kissing my face, my neck
and my lips warmly. “Please, let me in.”
    I was puzzled by what he'd just said to me.
Not the part about loving me - he told me that often. I was puzzled
about his final comment about letting him in. I pulled back from
him, searching his face in the semi-darkness of the room looking
for a hint.
    “ Trey, I love you,” I
whispered against his chest as my face lowered to him. “You're
always with me,” I said, hoping that this somehow satisfied his
need to be let in.
    He perched himself up on his elbow, taking
his hand and gently brushing my hair back off of my face. He leaned
towards me and brushed his lips against mine gently. "How would you
feel about my mother coming and spending some time here with
    “ Why?” I asked
    “ I just feel that maybe you
need a break, baby. I know that you trust Mom with Preston, and
she'd love to spend some time here with the baby and with us. This
way, you could focus on getting the house ready for our move. Would
you consider coming back to the firm for a few weeks?”
    “ What?” I asked confused as
to how the subject of his mother coming to stay for a while had
morphed into my going back to work.
    “ Leah has to have some
surgery. You know Harmon’s office almost as well as she does. If
you could help out there for me, Mom could take care of Preston. I
really do think it would do you some good to be away from the baby
a little bit. You need to know there's nothing at all to be
frightened about, okay?”
    Trey really didn't get it. I could see that
now. To argue or resist his suggestions would only reaffirm what he
was already thinking which was that I was paranoid or delusional or
both. I wasn't prepared to argue this point with him because the
truth was I had no argument. I was operating solely on maternal
instinct and I knew that in Trey’s eyes it would never hold up in
    “ I think that's a great
idea," I lied, But aren’t your parents in Europe right
    He raised my hand to his lips, lightly
brushing them against it; his eyes never strayed from mine. “I
talked to my mother earlier this evening; she'd absolutely love
cutting their trip short in order to spend some time with us, as
long as you're okay with it.”
    “ Well of course I am,” I
lied. “Preston needs some quality time with Grandma and you're
probably right. I need to spend some quality time outside of this
apartment and focusing on things other than the baby.”
    Trey pulled me to him, embracing me within
his strong arms as I tried to swallow the lump of fear that was
lodged within my throat.

    When I awoke Preston was nuzzled against me.
She must've awakened during the night. This seemed to be an every
night occurrence nowadays. Trey must've brought her to me like
always since he'd banished her from our bedroom. That was his sole
contribution to her feeding these days.
    Her head was bobbing as she gently nursed
from me. It was odd that I hadn’t felt her latch on, but sometimes
she nursed more gently than other times. I looked at the clock on
our night stand. Shit! I needed to get up and be out and about on
my business for the day. It seemed like all she ever wanted to do
was eat! I pulled her from my breast so that I could rise up off of
my side into a sitting position. Her milk sopped mouth quivered
with unhappiness. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and
wiped the sleep from my eyes still cradling her in my free arm.
    She started fussing immediately, kicking her
chubby legs up in the air in anger, catching me in the face with
her foot. Shit! That hurt! I wasn't in the mood for one of her
notorious hissy fits at the moment that was for sure. I laid her
down across the bed, and rubbed my temples. My head was pounding.
Preston had seemed to turn into one fussy, demanding baby
overnight. Right now, she was into full blown wailing. I was
grinding my teeth in stress.
    I'd had

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