off toward the mountains?
I want you to sort of see yourself driving there. Do you kind of know where you’re going?
Kind of. I went out the campus, to the left, down English Street, make a left on Queen Road, go out to Mountain Street…. Istayed on Queen Road until I got to Pine Road, and went right, and I just stayed on that for a long time. I made a right on Bluff Road… I got up to the mountains, to the foot of the mountains, and there were some dirt roads, and I don’t know where those dirt roads were. I don’t know what direction off of Bluff Road they were.
Did you turn off Bluff Road onto one of the dirt roads, though?
Hmm, I think I made a left on Aviation Road after Bluff Road, and I think I went out that, and there were some dirt roads up near there off of Aviation Road, and I could see the roads better. I didn’t know where, I forgot where Bluff Road went until just now, and it goes to Aviation, and I made a left on Aviation and then I kind of draw my blank, but I know there were dirt roads, and I followed one up to the mountains. There are some real ramshackle houses.
What are you thinking while you’re doing this?
Why am I doing this? I have a night class tonight, I should be studying for it. Why am I out here by myself?
You drive out past these ramshackle houses. Do you remember stopping the car, or the car stopping?
The car stopped. It just stopped on this road, and there weren’t any houses nearby. And I started to try to start it up, and I wanted it in reverse to get out of there, and I rode backward. I think it started again, I went backward.
Now before it started again, when the car stopped, did the car just die?
Maybe I stopped it. I think I put it in park and sat there and waited for something.
And as you’re sitting there for a while, can you tell me what’s happening as you’re sitting there waiting?
I wanted to get out of there. I put the car in reverse, and I turned around, and I found another dirt road and it went to a dead end.
(Patti Layne, 20, 1982)
This time Patti waited for a while and then the car door opened. She was taken out and the abduction began.
In spite of the aliens’ ability to make nontargeted people unconscious during an abduction, entire cars—abductees and other passengers as well—have been lifted up off the road and taken on board a UFO. In 1979, Tracy Knapp was driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas with two girlfriends when they spotted a strange light swooping down toward them.
So you see it approaching the car a little bit closer, then?
Mm-hmm, but fast, not slow…. It seemed like it dropped down by the window too, like whizzed by.
So it whizzes by, what happens next, then? [Tracy suddenly became upset.] Are you okay? How are you doing, Tracy? What are you thinking?
That the car’s spinning around.
Do you get a sense of movement?
Like I’m in a teacup, like I’m spinning, like the car’s turning, and I’m grabbing onto the seat and we’re screaming.
The three of you?
[Tracy was crying now and I calmed and reassured her. After a short time she was able to continue.] So you get the feeling that you’re spinning around; therefore I would assume that you’re not on the ground, or you are on the ground.
That we’re not on the ground.
Do you get the sense of motion up, or sideways, or diagonal, or can you tell that?
Like we’re being spun up, like we’re moving forward and getting spun, and I’m holding on to the car.
How do you feel physically? Do you feel dizzy, or anything like that?
A force, a pressure. Heavy. Like I’m weak, weighted.
Do you say anything to your friends, or is everybody too alarmed, or… ?
I can’t talk. Nothing’s being said at that point.
What are your friends doing in the front seat? Are they looking at each other? Are they animated or not, or can you tell?
They were not. They’re going limp.
Are you going limp also, or just sort of observing them going limp?
I’m not