Secret life: firsthand accounts of UFO abductions

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Book: Secret life: firsthand accounts of UFO abductions by David M. Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: David M. Jacobs
can’t get to the car. I don’t want anyone to get in to her, because she’s by herself.

Does she get out of the car also?

No, she’s asleep.

They don’t take her out of the car?

No. I keep thinking I don’t want them to take me away from the car, but I’m afraid she’s going to be scared when she wakes up and I’m not there for her. We’re going around the building. It’s dark. There are a bunch of them.

How many do you think there are?

Four, maybe five. It’s weird. I’m saying, “Where are the rest?” But they don’t say anything to me.

When you talk to them, are you verbalizing?

I’m not sure. I think so, but it’s like they’re not talking back to me, but… they told me that they’ll bring me back. They’re not going to hurt me. I’m not scared. I’m surprised, but I’m not scared. I’m scared for Ginny because I don’t know how she’s going to, she’s not going to remember… They told me she’s not going to remember.

    The Beings took Will around to the back of the service station where they all stood around in a tight group.

We’re just in the back of the building. It’s dark.

You’re behind the building?

We’re behind the building. We’re just standing there, like in a group….

Do they say what they’re waiting for, or what’s happening?

I know what they’re waiting for, they’re waiting to be picked up, but they… it’s here. It’s not very big. It’s bigger than the building, but it’s not huge. We’re going underneath it. We’re just, it’s like it’s opening up, but I don’t see any door. It’s just like it’s open. We’re going up inside.

How do you go up inside?

I’m not sure. It’s like we’re on an elevator, but it’s open. I’m not sure. We were on the ground a moment ago, now we’re inside. It’s like we were lifted up, but nothing grabbed hold of me. I can still see the ground and earth underneath, but it’s closing off. I can’t see it that well. It’s not all that bright inside either, it’s kind of dark.

(Will Parker, 19, 1974)

    Sometimes the abductee will inexplicably get into her car and drive to a specific location where the abduction will take place. The abductee does not think about why she is doing this, or she invents a reason so that her behavior conforms to logic and reality. For example, the abductee tells herself that she “wanted to take a ride” or that she was “going to visit friends.” When asked where she went, she is at a loss to remember or makes up another excuse that she later realizes is not true.
    The critical point is that the abductee’s activity can be altered somewhat to conform to the dictates of the intelligence that is directingthe behavior. Barney and Betty Hill raced down the highway trying to get away from a UFO when suddenly and for no particular reason Barney made a left turn onto a little-used dirt road leading nowhere. He made it with such confidence that Betty thought he knew exactly what he was doing and did not question it.
    Patti Layne, a high school teacher with an ivory complexion and dark hair, indicated to me that she had a few memories that had upset her, but she did not know what had prompted them. Subsequent hypnotic regressions with me uncovered a series of abductions throughout her lifetime. In one that took place on her twentieth birthday, Patti decided to get into the car and go for a drive in the mountains. At the time she was attending college in a small town in Pennsylvania.

I was living in the apartment complex on campus, right in front of the health center, and I had my own car, and I just wanted to get out. I had to get out.


I don’t know, I wanted to get out, and I knew I had to go by myself.

Do you think it’s because you were excited about your birthday, or… ?

No, depressed, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I just had to… find this place in the mountains and I would feel better. I wouldn’t feel depressed.

So you got into the car and drove

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