Break Your Heart

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Book: Break Your Heart by Renee Matteo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Matteo
approached.  It fell two miles deep down to the earth where the now frozen river normally ran through it.  The moonlight resonated off the walls of exposed earth that formed the gorge creating a soft light that bounced off the snow. The nature around it illuminated.
                  “Its beautiful,” Gina whispered. 
    Gr ant broke their grip, taking the backpack off his
    shoulder. He unzipped it, pulling out a large sleeping bag, a bottle of wine and two plastic glasses.  He laid out the sleeping bag with the cloth side up, allowing the smooth top to repel the snow below it.  He took a seat, careful to not get his wet feet on the dry blanket and tapped the spot next to him. “It is. Big difference from the summer, huh?” He asked in a slight daze as he stared off into the distance.
                  “Yeahh,” she replied, taking the seat next to him. “What’s with the wine?”
                  “I thought I would get you drunk and take advantage you.”
                  “Good plan.” she said with a laugh as she handed him
    a plastic wine glass. 
                  He took out the corkscrew he packed and popped the cork.  First, he poured hers, then his.
                  “Thank you,” she said, staring off at the beautiful wonder in front of her.
                  “Ashley adores you,” he said. “She looks up to you Gina. Thanks for being so good to her.” He put his arm around her squeezing her tight.
                  “I love spending time with her, she is a really good
    kid.” She paused, “plus, I always wanted a little sister.”
                  “You’re going to make a great mom one day.” He swirled the wine in his glass and took in the smell.
                  “You’re going to make a good dad one day,” she
    replied. Gina took a sip of her wine enjoying the flavors as they filled her mouth.
                  “I hope we have boys.”
                  “All boys?”
                  “Yep, I want a whole army.”
                  “And what if we have girls?”
                  “Well, then I am in trouble. I am sure they will be just as beautiful as their mother.” He said, taking a swallow of his wine. 
                  She held her glass out to him.  It was empty.
                  “Hey kiddo, slow down, you’ll make this too easy on me!”
                  “Very funny. So, what should we name them?” She rose up slightly off the blanket, tapped his legs to signal him to move them apart, and settled comfortably in between them, leaning back into his chest.
                  “The boys?”
                  “Grant, you can’t just have all boys.  It doesn’t work
    that way!” She leaned her body into his, slightly pushing him back.
                  “Sure we can. I have good aim.”
                  “Haha!  I want a girl,” she declared. “I want to name her McKayla.”
                  “Ok, McKayla it is,” he assured.  Gina went to speak, but Grant muffled her words as he softly placed his hand over her mouth. “Shh, you hear that?”
                  Gina listened intently in the distance. “No, what?”
    She asked, still straining her ears into the night.
                  Grant began to sway their bodies slowly from left to right to the music as the lyrics spilled from his lips. “I’m crazy for feeling so lonely,” he sang. “You don’t hear that?” He paused, “Patsy Cline.”
                  Gina focused again into the distance. She could faintly make out the melody coming from a house through the woods. 
    “I hear it.” She whispered, trying not to break his lock on the music.
                  “I love this

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