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Book: MatingCall by BA Tortuga Read Free Book Online
Authors: BA Tortuga
her ass.
    Shaw distracted her from the front, circling her clit over
and over.
    “Oh…” Her thighs shook as her body began to burn, and she
clung to Shaw. “Oh, light…”
    “That’s it.” Shaw hummed, his breath fanning her cheek.
“Feel how good that is.”
    “Love.” She did. She loved them. Both.
    “Yes. We love you. Ours.” Shaw moved up, his cock sliding
into her, right into her pussy. He filled her and, although they had fucked a
hundred times, this felt different, slower, stronger.
    Jordan pressed against her back, his cock sliding against
her hole. He was huge, hot and she couldn’t even breathe.
    “Easy, baby girl. I won’t hurt you. You belong with us. Both
of us.”
    Jordan’s words poured over her, making her relax, take them
both in. Yes. Yes, she was theirs.
    She could feel Jordan’s cock, sliding in deep, stretching
her, even as her hips rolled. Shaw slid in as Jordan slid out and they had a
counter-rhythm going in no time. Steph still couldn’t breathe, but it didn’t
matter. They were touching her, inside and out, both of them calling out to
her, tugging and pushing and taking her.
    They surrounded her, took over her body and her good sense
and made her want everything they had to give her.
    “Soon, Shaw.” Jordan growled the words and she felt Shaw
    “I have her, mate.”
    “Good.” Jordan sounded so damn satisfied, moving against her
with purpose, making her crazy.
    Shaw’s fingers found her clit again, pushing her higher, and
Jordan’s mouth fastened on the nape of her neck, teeth scraping her skin.
    Steph was about to give her usual protest, but it was too
late. Shaw held her in an iron grip when Jordan bit down, breaking the skin,
making her scream. Only about half of it was pleasure.
    “Easy. Easy.” Shaw’s words didn’t match his caresses. His
fingers weren’t making her feel easy at all.
    “Our girl.” Jordan licked at the bite and electric shocks
shot through her nerve endings.
    “I…” Burned. Goddess, it burned, and she started moving
faster, rocking between her boys, body filled with them. “Please…”
    “So tight. So hot.” Jordan moved in at the same time Shaw
did, finally getting in sync. It was almost too much and so not enough.
    Steph would have begged them, but she couldn’t. She simply
couldn’t. They stole her breath, her sense, her heart.
    “You now, baby. Make her yours.”
    Shaw’s pretty eyes flashed gold for her and he bent to bite
her shoulder. He was gentler than Jordan, but it stung all the same.
    This yelping noise left her as her orgasm started, the
pleasure blooming from her pussy and filling her, just as they did. Yes. Yes.
    Jordan growled, his big body stilling for a moment. Then he
started to shoot inside her, slamming hard against her.
    Shaw followed soon after, teeth on her shoulder as he shook.
Jordan’s mouth was on her nape again, the ache of their bites making her
shiver, the aftershocks of her orgasm rocking her.
    She slumped between them, panting, her chest heaving with
it. She could feel them lapping at her skin, their cocks slipping from her
    When Jordan leaned past her to kiss Shaw, deep and slow, she
felt as if some kind of circle was complete. She felt amazing.
    Shaw hummed. “Our mate.”
    Jordan nodded. “Ours. We should rest.”
    “It’s early.” Her eyelids were so heavy, though.
    “Mmmhmm. You’ll need your sleep.” They moved, her two boys
lifting and turning and taking her to bed to stretch out.
    They caught her between them, both of them licking and
nuzzling, soothing her into sleep. She smiled a little, floating, feeling safe.
    Even if she did still think that whole biting thing was a
bad idea.

Chapter Eleven
    The phone rang, startling Jordan awake.
    He sat up, whacking someone with his elbow, someone else
with his knee. Shit. “Sorry. Hello?”
    “Jordan? Brett. How’s your girl?”
    Jordan grinned at Steph, who was murmuring and rubbing noses
with Shaw, both of them grumbling

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