
Free MatingCall by BA Tortuga

Book: MatingCall by BA Tortuga Read Free Book Online
Authors: BA Tortuga
to lure him out.”
    “I… Do you think I should go to the hospital? Make sure
Mike’s okay?”
    “No.” Brett had made his order extremely clear. “We need to
stay here, stay out of the way.”
    He growled low. “No, Steph. We stay.”
    Steph blinked at Jordan, that low growl infuriating and
arousing as fuck all at once. “What do you—”
    Her phone rang and she answered. “Yeah?”
    “Don’t let that motherfucker tell you what to do.” Wendy
sounded absolutely enraged.
    “You mean Jordan?”
    “No. I mean that fucking alpha son of a bitch.”
    “Oh. I, I don’t know him. I’m okay.” She looked at Jordan,
then at Shaw, whose hand was still around her thigh.
    “You don’t have to stay with them, honey. After what they
    “I know.”
    She could see Jordan’s nostrils flare, and that growl got
louder. If Wendy wasn’t careful, she’d never get invited to dinner.
    The thought almost made her giggle.
    “Don’t get involved with them. Don’t let them bite you.” Wendy
was growling too. “Fucking men.”
    God, they made her head hurt.
    Jordan finally just took the phone. “She needs to rest.
Brett will keep us posted.” Then he clicked her phone off.
    “Jordan.” That was incredibly bossy. Incredibly. He had to
stop that.
    “What? She’s freaked out and she’s taking it out on you.”
Shaw was the one to answer and he looked incredibly sure.
    “It’s been a freaky day! Has it only been a day?”
    “Yeah.” They both said it together. Jordan chuckled. “Do you
need anything, baby girl? A drink or some food?”
    “No. I just need to figure out what I’m doing. Good thing I
fed the cats last night.”
    “Yeah.” Jordan made a face. He really didn’t get along with
her cats.
    She chuckled. “I promise not to move in with you and infect
you with kitty germs.”
    “Bullshit. You’ll just have to leave the cats at the shop
when you move in.” Jordan pinched her butt.
    “What shop?”
    Shaw chuffed. “The one you’ll do your magick in, lady-mate,
when you move.”
    “Our place is too far out of town for all your customers.
Hell, we’re up here during the moon most of the time. That’s even farther.
You’ll have to have a shop.”
    She’d lost track of the conversation, somehow. They
obviously had a plan she didn’t know about. Something that involved her moving.
    “I have a place. You know, the house where I live?”
    Jordan’s hand was stroking her back, moving in long, slow
strokes. Soothing. He was mesmerizing.
    “Mmmhmm. You could make it your shop. It’s cute.”
    “It already…” Her eyes crossed, nipples going hard.
    “Exactly. Why move the cats?” Jordan kissed her neck.
    “I wasn’t.” Her lips parted, her body flushing with heat.
    “Oh, good.” Shaw moved in, his hands on her hips, his lips
sliding along to her ear.
    She’d lost the train of the conversation altogether; her
focus on those touches. They’d always done that to her, their bodies and hands
and mouths overpowering her good sense. Now that she’d admitted they were her
boys for good, she couldn’t even worry about it.
    Her shirt was pushed up, Jordan murmuring happily when he
found she’d run out of the house without a bra.
    Shaw helped drag her up, lifting her enough to work at her
jeans and her undies.
    Jordan moaned as she slipped up along his body, his hands
cupping her breasts, thumbs sliding across her nipples. He always knew when it
was time to take it to the next level, always knew when she was moving from
comfort to arousal. She rocked against him, her body heating up.
    “My mates.” Jordan’s words brushed against her skin, and she
    Shaw made this happy noise, crowding up against her, his body
warm and hard. “Our girl.”
    “My boys.” She blinked at Shaw. “When did you get naked?”
    “I’m like lightning.” He grinned at her before kissing her
    She moaned, then arched as wet heat surrounded one of her
nipples, Jordan’s

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